He was respectful, kind, and considerate. Juwayriyah bint al-Harith abari says that this means that "from the truth of the interpretation of Joseph's dream in which he saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon bowing down to him, he knew that which they did not know. As Kisai, one of the foremost writers on the lives of the Qurnic prophets, states, this was also evident in the fact that Joseph was given a staff of light with five branches. Joseph also represents the eternal beauty as it is manifested in the created world. and I could not help myself. Indeed, wrongdoers will not succeed. He turned away and run towards the closed door to escape. hadith 13 July 2013. He put blood on the coat of Joseph. The Pharaoh of Egypt called Firawn had many people working for him. According to most sources she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they married. They return home to Jacob and persuade him to let Benjamin accompany them in order to secure food. A possible reason for his enslavement was that after Abraham had left Egypt he took slaves with him but "Abraham did not dismount for them (following barefoot). Hafsah bint Umar He therefore warned Yusuf against relating his dream to his brothers, lest they plot for his downfall. Yusuf, however, refused to leave prison until his innocence was proved. 'the Knower or the All-Knowing One') and al-Hakim (Arabic: , lit. According to Ibn Kathir, "Jacob had twelve sons who were the eponymous ancestors of the tribes of the Israelites. "[42] Ibn Kathir agrees with abari saying that Joseph sought "restitution for this in order that Azz might know that he was not false to him during his absence" and that Zolay eventually confessed that nothing happened between them. (Yusuf 12:35). abari, again, says "God turned him away from his desire for evil by giving him a sign that he should not do it. [74], It is narrated in Kitab al-Kafi by Ja'far al-Sadiq that when the fire was set for Abraham, Jibril brought him a dress from paradise and made him wear it. al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Saheehah, 422, Source: Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1832; Muslim, 1410. Good news! [79] The Qur'an remains silent on the ultimate fate of Zolay. "[60], Ysuf is largely absent from the Hadth. They cried. [7] This does not disregard the theme of balance between divine decree and human freedom. Regarding the wisdom why Sulaymaan had so many wives, Al-Qurtubi stated: " It is said that Sulaymaan was the Prophet who had the largest number of wives because he had the strength of 40 Prophets; and the stronger a person is, the more wives he marries. Soon, a caravan bound for Egypt stopped at this well to fetch water. When the people came to know of that, they set free their own prisoners, so as to honour the in-laws of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). One event concerns two royal servants who, prior to Joseph's imprisonment, had been thrown into the dungeon for attempting to poison the food of the king whose name is not given either in the Qur'an or the Bible and his family. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Tabaqat Ibn Sad, 8/115. [20], The brothers asked their father to let them take Joseph out to the desert to play and promised to watch him. I hope that you will not accuse me of senility (12:94)". When the women were happily chatting away while slicing fruits, Zulaika summoned Yusuf. He said: "Nay, but your minds have made up a tale (that may pass) with you, (for me) patience is most fitting: Against that which ye assert, it is God (alone) Whose help can be sought" abari comments that Judah stopped the brothers from causing more harm to Joseph, and that he would bring him food. How did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) marry Khadeejah? Yusuf informed them to bring their younger brother along next time, or they shall receive no further provisions. Maymunah bint al-Harith He could have easily complained and ask why do these things keep happening to me. They said, "Our father is plainly in a state of aberration."[15]. Most importantly, though, Joseph is admired as a great preacher of the Islamic faith, who had an extremely strong commitment to God and one who tried to get people to follow the path of righteousness. Certainly, the whole story is a trial from Allah for Prophet Yusuf. She became very angry and persuaded her husband to have Yusuf put in prison. Yusuf not only grew up to be a handsome young man but was also blessed with exceptional knowledge and wisdom by Allah. The following versesgive us more details: {Some women of the city said, The governors wife is trying to seduce her slave! Soon, he instructed his sons to return to the Kings land and inquire about their brother. Scholars note that 'genuine' Judaeo-Persian literature seemed to have been developed during the l-Khn dynasty over Persia, from the end of the 7th13th century on.[71]. The chapter tells us the purpose of its revelation: {There are lessons in the story of Joseph and his brothers for all who seek them.} Yusuf raised his father upon the throne and said, O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. [2] Of all of Jacob's children, Joseph was the one who practiced the gift of prophecy. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. "[24] Ibn 'Abbas writes that the "reason for this trial of Jacob was that he had slaughtered a sheep while he was fasting. Unlike the references to the Pharaoh in the account of Musa, the account of Joseph refers to the Egyptian ruler as a malik (Arabic: , lit. Hazrat Yusuf knew that if he forgave them he would. "So he screamed and tore his clothes. Jacob insists that they bring Benjamin back and this time the brothers are honest when they swear to it. Zolay is said to have then ripped the back of Joseph's shirt and they raced with one another to the door where her husband was waiting. The story begins with a dream and ends with its interpretation. 9. Views : "[11] This is important because Joseph's aunt puts the belt on Joseph when Jacob is absent and then accuses Joseph of stealing it and he thus stays with her until her death. Allah compensated him with some one better, as Yoosuf al-Siddeeq avoided the When they put the whole matter in front of their father, the aged, weakened prophet did not collapse or die in front of their eyes, as they had feared. There she served them fruit along with knives. With the passage of time, the malice in the hearts of Yusufs brothers kept growing. authority to Yoosuf (Joseph) in the land, to take possession therein, when [50] According to Ibn Kathir, Jacob ordered the brothers to use many gates when returning to Egypt because they were all handsome. And the King said: "Bring him to me." When Jacob learned of this, he tore his clothes, wore a black cloak, and was sad for many days. It is said that Joseph was 30 when he was summoned to the king. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) set Safiyyah bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab (may Allah be pleased with her) free and married her after the battle of Khaybar. The tomb of Prophet Yaqub (A.S) is located in the Ibrahimi Mosque, also known as the 'Cave of the Patriarchs'. On the first branch was written "Abraham, friend of God," on the second, "Isaac, pure of God," on the third, "Ishmael, sacrifice of God", on the fourth, "Jacob, Israelite of God," and on the fifth, "Joseph, Righteous of God."[58]. The people of Paradise will have his age. Joseph told the servant that Egypt would face seven years of prosperity and then suffer seven years of famine and that the king should prepare for it so as to avoid great suffering. "[17], But one of the brothers argued against killing him and suggested they throw him into a well, said to be Jubb Yusif (Arabic: , lit. Views : Yusuf AS grew into adulthood both physically and spiritually, trained and guided by his Lord, who said, And when Yusuf AS reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge. Joseph became extremely powerful. abari comments that there was no greater love than what Joseph's aunt felt for him as she had raised him as her own. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Muhammad's life is traditionally delineated by two epochs: pre-hijrah Mecca, a city in western Arabia, from the year 570 to 622 CE, and post-hijrah in Medina, from 622 until his death in 632. Tabari's commentary on Joseph presents numerous sources representing different traditions. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid 'best (or most beautiful) of stories')." Filled with excitement, he ran to his father and reported what he had seen. [49] Joseph gave them what they needed but questions them and they reveal that there were once twelve of them. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married her when he was twenty-five years old, and he did not take another wife until after she died. abari notes, "if someone else acquired it by guile from the person who was supposed to have it, then he would become absolutely subject to the will of the rightful owner. How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf have? Although the narratives of other prophets are mentioned in various Surahs, the complete narrative of Joseph is given only in one Surah, Yusuf, making it unique. After a long time he came to know that Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon Him) was alive. truly (thy husband) is my lord! Islam Q&A, The Prophets dream about marrying Aaishah. Jacob is mentioned sixteen times in the Quran. Bilhah. Answer 2 Jacob had four wives, although. May Allah be pleased with them all. [38], This account refers to the interaction between Joseph and the ruler of Egypt. After Joseph had been imprisoned for a few years, God granted him the ability to interpret dreams, a power that made him popular amongst the prisoners. Classed as sahih by al-Albani. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. "So they did take him away, and they all agreed to throw him down to the bottom of the well: and We put into his heart (this Message): 'Of a surety thou shalt (one day) tell them the truth of this their affair while they know (thee) not'Then they came to their father in the early part of the night, weeping.They said: "O our father! I said: Yes. innocence. When he became aware of Yusuf's innocence, the king said, "Bring him to me that I may attach him to my person." Wiki User 2014-01-04 06:33:52 Study now See answer (1) Copy Answer 1 At least two wives . They envied Yusuf because they felt he was special and they were not. Other women began ridiculing her character. This report is not authentically attributed to the Prophet and is probably narrated from the Bani Israel (a similar report is recorded in their scripture 1 Kings 11:3), so it may or may not be correct. Contact Us. On departing, the brothers were stopped by the Kings soldiers who were looking for the Kings missing cup. Firestone notes, "His beauty was so exceptional that the behavior of the wife of al-Azz is forgiven, or at least mitigated, because of the unavoidably uncontrollable love and passion that his countenance would rouse in her. [5] In addition to the role of God in his life, the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha (Potiphar's wife of the Old Testament) became a popular subject in Persian literature, where it became considerably elaborated over the centuries. In Islamic traditions God is not chastising the mutual attraction and love between them but that he points to the associated factors that made their love affair impossible. And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, the place where the king's prisoners were bound; and he was there in the prison. Then Abu Bakr met me and said: Perhaps you felt upset when you offered Hafsah in marriage to me and I did not reply? They traveled far, in pursuit of a well deep enough to throw their brother in. She made a very clear statement that it was she who seduced him but he resisted the temptation. Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links: 5 Practical Steps to Understand The Quran, When a Prophet Is Jailed: How Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) Coped. 99 Names of Allah "[43] Ibn Is-haq comments, "the king of Egypt converted to Islam at the hands of Joseph."[41]. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Prophet Yusuf (AS) once dreamt that eleven stars and the sun and moon were prostrating to him. Then will come after that seven difficult [years] which will consume what you advanced [saved] for them, except a little from which you will store. "Jusuf" redirects here. He was confused and unsure of whom to believe. [13] Ya'qub foresaw that Yusuf would be one through whom the prophecy of his grandfather, Ibrahim (Abraham), would be fulfilled, in that his offspring would keep the light of Abraham's house alive and spread God's message to mankind. Qibla Direction Partner with MyIslam in creating positive and beneficial content to show the world the beautiful lessons in our religion. It was due to these hardships and difficulties that the Prophet and his Eleven wives went through that Allah (swt) reminded them of their status: [Al Quran 33:28-29] O Prophet! She closed the doors and made the environment suitable for her purpose. Dr. Mohsen Haredy holds a PhD in Hadith literature from Leiden University, the Netherlands. Zilpah, the servant of Leah. The brothers ran to their father carrying Yusufs shirt that was smeared with sheeps blood. Al-Bukhari (5077) also narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not marry any virgin apart from her. During this period, Yusuf was confronted with his second trial. (Quran 12:7). Yusufs new master, who had no children, was completely taken with Yusuf. "[70] The love story itself is also a central theme in Sufi discussions. Can you please tell me, how many wives our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had, with their names and reference from the Sunnah? This is interesting because according to historical sources, the title Pharaoh only began to be used to refer to the rulers of Egypt (starting with the rule of Thutmose III) in 1479 BCE approximately 21 years after the prophet Joseph died. Two teachings stand out here: "the first is that God is the controller and provider of all things and that human beings should have complete trust in Him and the second is the prevailing of the divine decree over human contrivance and design. We do not ask about this." 'Great One or Nobleman')[28] in the Qur'an, or Potiphar in the Bible. Joseph eventually died in Egypt. My Lord has made it reality. The story of Yusuf (a.s.), also known as the story of Joseph, is collectively in one surah. Islamic Dictionary Zaynab bint Khuzaymah Thus, Yusufs innocence was proven. The brothers immediately remembered their sick father back home, and their vow to safeguard Binyamin at all cost. He was betrayed by his brothers, sold as slave, and unjustly imprisoned. The Sufi tradition tends to focus its attention on the lessons and deeper meanings, "that may be elicited from the Qur'anic verses and the story of Joseph provides them with ample scope to draw lessons of mystical, ethical and theological and metaphysical significance. If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars, advised the cousin. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account "[10] His father, Jacob, had given him to his oldest sister to be raised. However, if you face any difficult verses, please feel free to contact us to explain them to you. But God knoweth well all that they do.The (Brethren) sold him for a miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him!The man in Egypt who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay (among us) honourable: maybe he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son." Lesson: Prophet Yusuf from his dream knew he was destined for greatness but it seemed at every turn of his life he was met with difficulties and adversity. He said: I will think about it. Joseph prayed to God and said that he would prefer prison to the things that Zolay and her friends wanted. [53], When Jacob receives the shirt, this time as good news, Jacob lays it on his face and regains his vision. Yusuf informed them to bring their younger brother along next time, or Potiphar in Qur'an. Option to opt-out of these cookies may affect your browsing experience brothers immediately remembered their sick father back home and. 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