They do not have a wide social network and prefer to have a few close friends and, of course, their family. Many adapt their personality type because of self-awareness, education, training, life experiences, or influences of social situations or stresses. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic is a frequently found combination. Using salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water) can ease your irritated throat by clearing away mucus. You may need to communicate in a way that levels the playing field and keeps them from being dominated. This determined and persistent person brings a deceptively focused approach to the task. They are analytical, systematic, and sensitive to the needs of others. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve victory. The Melancholy-Choleric has a firm, serious expressions, and they rarely smile. Learn more about our team of Christian counselors. You Think Its the Flu Now What Should You Do? The melancholics deep self-awareness and extreme awareness of criticism can quickly lead her to depression. They are the most friendly of the all the Phlegmatic combinations. They are cooperative and helpful and want to contribute to other peoples happiness. The Melancholy-Choleric tends to make decisions slowly because of their need to collect and analyze information (several times) until they are sure of the right and best course of action. Communicating with Sanguines. Cleveland Clinic 1995-2023. They need daily challenge and others willing to listen to them and carry out their plans. When the Sanguine and the Melancholy natural tendencies are combined, it produces a people-person who is sensitive, creative, and detail-oriented. Encouragement helps a phlegmatic thrive. The key is to use the right words to convince star employees they have value and power, but then trick them into giving far more than they should, for far less than its worth, for far longer than they want to. They need time to warm-up before showing friendliness. Sometimes there is no reconciliation. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. This combination is like a director because they naturally like telling others what to do. Although it is true that no one personality or temperament is better than the other, many people are attracted to the Sanguine temperament. WebThe phlegmatic child does not seek out the acquaintance of others and does not see an urgent need for communication with peers. Cholerics tend to make quick decisions and delegate work. They need to be shown how to do a task, and then left alone. Shortness of breath. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic needs to be with people most of the time, but some of the time they need to be alone. Use positive encouragement and get the sanguine excited about the task ahead. When you take the assessment, you will receive a customized report of your specific temperament, how it is expressed, your preferred environments, and practical guidance to help you succeed at work and in life. They are agreeable to avoid upsetting someone. International Institute of Directors and Managers To be highly motivated they need freedom, the opportunity for advancement and information that will help them get results. The Melancholy-Sanguine combination is driven by two temperament needs. Once they establish a routine it can be difficult for them to change. The Melancholy-Sanguine is naturally skilled at being diplomatic with others in a way that avoids tension and restores unity. The secondary need is to do things right. As a rule, the number of a phlegmatic childs friends does not exceed two for the entire school age, although more often, they tend to have only one close friend. Listen to the melancholic with empathy. They exhibit poise and confidence in most situations, especially social events. They get upset with rule-benders. Dont rush the phlegmatic. Phlegmatics make good team players. I always recommend doing a written audience analysis. Confusion or changes in mental awareness (in adults age 65 and older) Cough, which may produce phlegm. They serve a purpose, but too much is uncomfortable. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is naturally motivated to bring harmony to their environment. They are very persuasive and make good debaters! They like quality and status things. They are always hungry for more information andare sometimes paralyzed by their analysis. With a deeper understanding of the four temperaments we can learn how to accompany others in a productive manner that builds and strengthens relationships, without asking the other to fundamentally changesomething that is actually impossible. They are not socially active, preferring to be with family, or a few close friends. The danger of diminishing or dismissing the problem is that the melancholic may feel tempted to exaggerate for the next time, whatever it takes to get your attention. They are attentive to detail and push to have things done correctly, according to predetermined standards (usually their own). How do I get my melancholic spouse to not be so down? They are very possessive of family time, material things, and friends. Use eucalyptus Whether its a eucalyptus balm or essential oil in a diffuser, the scent of eucalyptus can help loosen mucus in your chest. The Phlegmatic temperament is naturally service-oriented with a core drive to avoid conflict. They are cooperative and helpful and want to contribute to other peoples happiness. WebIssues That Phlegmatics Must Typically Address or Learn: Find employment where they can undertake tedious tasks without being required to interact with people for long periods of time. They can be very talkative at times. They are naturally service minded and will often work when they are ill. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach. The first thing is to understand the type. They lead through detailed policies and procedures. The cholerics bossiness or bulldozing needs to be addressed before problems get worse because typically a choleric does not see herself at fault and so will not self-address the issue (which is unapparent to her). Get a choleric to talk about her reasoning. It is a good idea to look at your communication and ask, "What is in it for each of the different personalities?". They not only want to do things right and get results, they strive to figure out what is right. Phlegm and the Four Temperaments The Phlegmatic-Choleric naturally concentrates (like an inspector) on one thing at a time with unbending determination. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or home remedies or prescription medication to make you more comfortable and help you clear your lungs. Phlegmatics are highly relational. Allergies Got You Fuzzy-Headed? Ask questions like, Did you realize that when you did this that people were upset?. When the Melancholy and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who is very analytical, accommodating, and will cautiously plan their way through life. Maintain a proper balance of diet, exercise, work, and relaxation to insure proper energy balance. Once their mind is made up they will resist any other method of approach. Melancholics get bogged down by details. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine has a stoic expression but will, at times, show a natural smile. Instead, consider bringing your phlegmatic child into a career centre and letting him look at jobs on his own. Let him figure it out for himself. The Choleric and Sanguine natural tendencies combine to produce a result-oriented person who needs to be around people socially some of the time. They are not socially active, preferring work and privacy to being with people. They are by far the easiest people with whom to get along as long as you do not try to alter their routine or ask them to change. Without outside recognition, there is the danger that a phlegmatic may never recognize his talents and skills and never be motivated to activate them. After all, it ruins the fun to hold grudges. If youre healthy, your mucus tends to be thin and you may not even notice it. Avoid getting into too much detail, state the facts and give some examples, without jokes or sarcasm. They can be great administrators. Receptionists use routine greetings to begin and end phone conversations. They like having power and authority. 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 in Instructional Systems/e-Learning He is a instructional technologist at a Florida university and does consulting in communication and instructional design. Recognize that their wry, cutting sense of humor is only a defense mechanism to protect themselves and their low energy levels. We can counsel you in-office or via the Internet using GoToMeeting. The primary temperament need is to do things right, and to figure out what is right. Make sure the filters are clean and functioning well to keep dust and other potential irritants out of the air. They need some social involvement, usually with friends or family. They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of various types of individuals. They are more goal-oriented than they are people-sensitive. The Phlegmatic-Choleric will become sleepy when sitting still after only a few minutes. They can usually see a creative solution quickly with a only small amount of information. The secondary need is to accommodate others. They will become bored without activity and social involvement. They are usually indirect when responding to others. Sanguines want to have As a manager, your primary focus is to enable your people to execute their work, improve over time and perform their best. Accompany the melancholic through the trial and help her to find her own way out. They possess a casual kind of poise in social situations. They would do what they can to make the world a better place for everyone through innovation. Use a sterile spray that has sodium chloride. Whether its a eucalyptus balm or essential oil in a diffuser, the scent of eucalyptus can help loosen mucus in your chest. The Melancholy-Sanguine makes decisions slowly because they are analyzing their options. Being low-key outwardly, their involvement in a task is not easily observed. You may need to communicate in a way that levels the playing field and keeps them from being dominated. Encourage her to focus only on the problem of the present, and not on all the other problems that could be or are possibly connected to. If you want something done with a smile, ask a phlegmatic personality type. Cholerics tend to get upset when people do not do what they want. They prefer work to involvement with people. When alone they will likely review the day and plan for tomorrow. Do not force Phlegmatics to take on full responsibility for someone else. Encourage her to take a bath, a nap, or do something uplifting so that you can have a conversation when she is in a better frame of mind. Cholerics love to fight. They want to see all of the points on the PowerPoint and have them explained. 4. In romantic relationships, the Phlegmatic can be affectionate but it takes some time to warm up. They are always willing to help those they consider to be their friend. Plan social engagements around those times. The Sanguine-Melancholy has a deep need to know that they will be accepted by others. Understand their limited energy reserves and do not push them beyond that level. When at a social event they usually do not stay for a long period of time. Remove the risk of tension and be calm, warm, practical, and push gently. They require little sleep (4 to 6 hours is common). If you want something done with a smile, ask a phlegmatic personality type. When leaders communicate, it is important they know their own personality type so that they can balance their preferences with the needs of those in the audience who may be a different personality type. They need to be sure of the right and best course of action. Once given a task, they will show dogmatic determination to complete it successfully. If the amount of mucus your body makes is uncomfortable, you might worry its a sign of a more serious problem. This may be difficult for someone of a sanguine temperament to understand! In our Temperament Assessment, (which is not a test but a tool to help you find your personality), we help you discover your natural tendencies and strengths, uniqueness, and how you are wired. The Melancholy-Choleric is a systematic and precise thinker. Be transparent in your actions, speak as clearly as possible, and remain calm without reacting to the possible inflammatory reaction. In order to function well, they need information, time alone to think, and a plan from which to operate. They are calm, steady, and persevering. Use over-the-counter medication Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. How do you get your sanguine spouse to do something as boring as filling out a budget? They can become assertive to restore harmony to their environment. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. Phlegmatic have the most stable type of nervous system. Its slippery consistency helps protect and moisturize, and traps potential irritants. Being low-keyed outwardly, their emotional involvement in a task is not easily observed. Temperament is also a need which drives and motivates people to act according to their natural tendencies. You may want to provide supplementary material with lots of detailsin them. Remember to be warm and personal and only apply slight pressure when needed when addressing them. Being organized can also mean that you know where everything is locatedif you know whats in the piles, then youre organized! The Choleric-Sanguine is not a frequently found combination. They can be a perfectionist about some things. WebTo convince a phlegmatic you have to show them how things are in the best interest of the group. 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 Policy. WebWhen they are with their potential partners, phlegmatic people seek for common intellectual and emotional ground, which will serve as a bridge from heart to heart. They often become drowsy when sitting still after only a few minutes. Maintain a proper balance of diet, exercise, work, and relaxation to insure proper energy balance. Use game language, such as strategy and compete. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach. Appeal to the cholerics sense of honour. Avoid the appearance of a head to head combat or else the choleric will be tempted by nature to fight and defend herself. In alphabetical order, the first type is the Choleric personality. WebHow to Lead, Manage, and Supervise the Phlegmatic Temperament. Do you continue to let her cause you harm? They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of varied types of individuals. They make it a point to preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. Phlegmatics prefer to avoid conflict and want everyone to be happy. They like to initiate change. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. Once they become your friend, they will be loyal, dependable, and faithful for life. The Sanguine-Choleric is a somewhat common combination. They resist change until reasons are explained, defended, and accepted. 4. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. The choleric does not always know when she is rubbing other people the wrong way unless someone tells them. Have a sense of duty Phlegmatic personality types feel a great sense of duty to do the right thing. Fatigue. They can be very blunt, stubborn, and sarcastic. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is a frequently found combination. The Melancholy-Choleric is, therefore, more pushy and blunt than the other Melancholy combinations. Do not make the melancholic feel badly for her negativity but help her develop constructive criticism: that is, criticism that leads to results and not just to hurt feelings. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships, which makes phlegmatic people loyal spouses and loving parents. Clearwater, Florida 33760, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling And the secondary temperament will always modify the tendencies of the primary temperament in some significant way. This combination naturally tries to negotiate with others for a different outcome. Often thought of as small talk, phatic communication is the verbal and non-verbal routines people go through when communicating with each other. Remember sanguines prefer team work over rout work. Dont be tempted to fill the silence with prattle. The Melancholy-Sanguine struggles with having guilt feelings, even about something that is not their fault. What do you do? Do not force them to socialize. The primary need is to be accepted socially. The Sanguine-Choleric is more assertive than the other Sanguine combinations. If you have chronic problems with mucus and phlegm, try the following. If they view you as uncertain or unprepared, you lose. Once they feel safe or accepted, they become more friendly. They follow self-imposed, strict procedures in both their business and personal lives. You may enjoy helping others, particularly those in need of assistance. Phlegmatic-Melancholic ISFJ This person is a future recipient for a posthumous award They often struggle with questions like, Why did I do that?, Why didnt I do something else?, Did I say that right?. When the Sanguine and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a people-person who is accommodating to the needs of others. You often need a format where they are asked their opinion. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is independent, questioning, and thorough in their approach, and will follow through. Copyright 2023 Opt for a cool-mist humidifier and make sure you clean it regularly per its directions. Be inspired to do something about the injustice they see. Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said, not contradict it. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is accepting and tolerant of others. WebSomeone with a phlegmatic personality is usually a people person. Phlegmatic-Choleric INTP This is someone who wants to find a cure for cancer because they can. Be more willing to make sacrifices for others. When the Melancholy and the Choleric natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who pushes to get results. The primary need is to be accepted socially. They are driven to answer the question why before acting. Cholerics lead through the force of their personalities. WebThe meaning of PHLEGMATIC is resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm. They make decisions slowly because of collecting and analyzing information until they are sure of the best course of action. Males in particular like staying up late at night to flip through the TV channels. They are known for their love for people and their fun, easy-going personality. Make a point of setting a date so he does not forget. Often thought of as small talk, phatic communication is the verbal and non-verbal routines people go through when communicating with each other. Plan social engagements around those times. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic combination is driven by two temperament needs. By giving the phlegmatic suggestive options for a career, for example, you may get the phlegmatic believing that this is something he should do in order to maintain the relationship with you, whom he respects and values more than the ideal of career. The phlegmatic may find himself in a job or career path that he dislikes because he feels he has to be there. Allow them time to adjust to change and be very patient. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships, which makes phlegmatic people loyal spouses and loving parents. The best jobs for the Phlegmatic personality are often found in job positions such as customer service, nurse, teacher, mid-level management (that does not require quick decisions), pharmaceutical salesperson, sales clerk, route salesperson, operating a postal route, and office staff worker. They are very optimistic and enthusiastic but lack consistent follow-through. The Phlegmatic-Choleric wants to operate by themselves and set their own pace. Because they reveal their feelings right in the beginning, they can be deeply hurt by rejection. Compatible marriage partners ENTP INFP ENFP 8. Approach the complaint from an objective rather than offensive stand-point. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you're being dishonest. For example, they may procrastinate because they do not clearly understand a work assignment, but they usually will not ask for clarification because they perceive this may cause conflict. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. The Phlegmatic personality will take a while to warm up and may never be the affectionate, warm, cozy, sit by the fire type. If you want a Sanguine personality to attend an event, tell them how much fun it will be or give them a position up front where they will be noticed. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Openness (Unconventionality) This personality trait refers to how open you are to new experiences. How to use phlegmatic in a sentence. They like status and quality things. Inconsistent body language. The secondary need is to get results. They communicate in a warm, sincere way, showing interest in others. This combination naturally likes developing a strategy to accomplish a goal. The phlegmatic is the easy going, cool, calm and collected person. They are very trusting of others and place importance on enduring relationships. Fever, sweating and shaking chills. You may need to communicate in a way that levels the playing field and keeps them from being dominated. They are goal and bottom-line oriented, and can be very persuasive in promoting their ideas and goals. They rarely show emotion or affection. They are tolerant, kind and unassuming. Determine which times of day your speech is best. They have a stoic expression (flat affect). They become sleepy when sitting still after only a few minutes, and will go to sleep very quickly. You should probably consider the psychological aspect of audience analysis. Determine which times of day your speech is best. Remove the risk of tension and be calm, warm, practical, and push gently. This combination is naturally able to perform in front of others to meet the need of the moment. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the situation. The sanguine likes to have fun, so motivate him to accomplish a task by promising a reward. Show them they are loved and appreciated by using only a moderate amount of physical attention and doing special things for them. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy combination is driven by two temperament needs. Phatic communication is also found every day in the workplace. Because they reveal their feelings right in the beginning, they can be deeply hurt by rejection. Practice using physical gestures to help convey emotions. They live a quiet, routine life, free of the normal anxieties of the other temperaments. But it is the primary temperament, and the secondary temperament that affect a persons daily behavior the most. They are very conscientious. The Melancholy-Sanguine is the most friendly of all the Melancholy blends. Sanguines lead by using their ability to be winsome. The Phlegmatic lives a quiet, routine life that is free of the normal anxieties that other temperaments face. Either need may dominate behavior depending on the situation. Clearwater, FL 33760, Brandon, Florida They are more consistent and non-emotional than the other Phlegmatic combinations. They are persistent and consistent at whatever they undertake. WebPhlegmatic individuals never interrupt the interlocutor, moreover, they know how to listen attentively, and they even nod showing their understanding. The reason is because they want to avoid conflict and please everyone involved. Phlegmatic-Choleric INTP This is someone who wants to find a cure for cancer because they can. Mucus has an important role in your body. Even people like that are usually interested in things, but its harder to figure out what they are because theyre not very forthcoming. A sanguine would probably make a great master or mistress of ceremony for an event. They tend to have difficulty in relationships because they are rigid and maintain high standards. They lead by forming alliances. I recommend confronting the choleric in a meaningful conversation. Sanguines want to have fun. The Phlegmatic personality type likes routine and strongly resists change. -Repressing fun or removing rewards. Help the melancholic by offering a realistic framework for the situation described. Gargle with salt water Using salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water) can ease your irritated throat by clearing away mucus. Leaders have never felt as much responsibility as they do right now. Is it cold facts, or does it have passion and life? And yet, managers can be leaders. WebIf you experience a facial masking, use feeling words to communicate your emotions (I feel happy, sad, excited, or "I agree). A melancholic wants to have her very real problems acknowledged. 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