Im a Leo woman. So sorry sweetheart. I declined. Sex is just part of the equation honey. Again, this is something you have to learn so that you arent a victim to his games. Im a May Taurus and the person that was trying to play me was a March Pisces. Tell him you love him and miss him. Give him a chance but if he pulls back again, end it for good. Hes not given me direct answers. He should be able to tell you. But I am thinking of talking to other people now to keep my options open, which is hard for me today as I am loyal. When a Pisces man is in love; hell want to be with you as often as possible. I was shocked to receive, a message from this man out of nowhere. There is just so much the sun sign can tell you. He will apologize for being a mean person. I think what you need to do is leave him alone for a bit. This is both a blessing and a curse. Ive been trying to keep him encouraged and supportive through his situation. However; there is always a way to catch someone in a lie and hes no different and that is body language! An Aries man is a busy man. This is what makes Pisces men such good liars. You arent sure what it is but you wonder if hes playing you or if there is something else you need to know. He had an awful time sleeping and kept waking up saying he felt anxious and when I asked him if I could do anything he said it wasn't me and he was just feeling overwhelmed with life and having to apply for some jobs this week and making his resume and cover letters the next day. Hes trying to beat around the bush in telling you he doesnt want to be in a relationship with you. Watch for everything Ive mentioned here and you should be able to tell rather quickly whether your Pisces man is actually into you and trying to commit or if hes talking himself up for something he wont ever deliver. I dont ask for money for anything else at all. Pisces women, on the other hand, are more trustworthy in general. Im wondering if maybe this little fling ran its course I sure would love to keep him in my life but the dipping out is just not something I can deal with. I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. So he explained he was going through something financial and that he wasnt sure if Id want to be with him during that state which is weird coz I dont mind, I just want him close to me. Men born in Pisces are famous for their psychic capacities. We would have the longest phone conversations ever. Hes saying that he knows it wont change and therefore why put more energy into the relationship. What does this mean? Because of covid he uses that a lot as excuse why we cant go do things together he plays video games and loves to sleep I mean loves it. Im sorry honey but when a Pisces man really wants to be with someone, he will do whatever he has to to make it happen. He does that hot and cold business. I also asked him were do we stand after the intentions question and he said that we are working on a us. He told me he felt the same and things started to hit off. If you told me youre swamped with certs, I wouldve understood. Its not wrong of you to ask. You cant push them or pressure them. It may reveal to you how these guys think. You should know by what youve read here so far how a Pisces man tests you. Eventually he had to go back home after spending 1 day together Before saying goodbye, he said that he felt some pressure with me, that he wouldnt like me to jump to conclusions and why should we put a label on that? (me asking him why he went outside to smoke, or when i mentioned in one of our discussions that we just started dating I said it in the sense of meeting up to get to know each other). You should either reach out to him and tell him you like him or you should just walk away. I got up the next morning and he was upset that Inwas leaving so early without even waking him up and wanted to know why. so I can hear your voice. I texted the next day and asked if he was okay. Im in Texas hes in Florida So we went a whole year of only virtually talking and we finally met a few months ago and became official. So how can you tell if a Pisces man is leading you on and is done with you? While hes going through a difficult time, he will seem sort of detached but he did say its not because of you. Tell him you feel unwanted or desired. 5. Hopefully hell explain himself better. As a Capricorn, you should be able to provide stability and a steady ground from with to work on. Its been confusing cause I feel like our relationship didnt really start until end of 2020. So your ghoster might have acted selfishly but then realized their mistake and are feeling guilty for hurting you. When Pisces ghosts you, it's usually because something else happened in their life that they think gave them permission to break off contact with you. If he did, hed be reaching out to you and making sure that youre still around. after I got done with my views, which were all matching his. Appreciate your advice. Since then, we talked afterwards- got in a heated argument. He will text me every once in a while, but he does have a girlfriend who resembles me a lot scarily. If you need more Pisces help, check out my book. So hes making excuses and pushing it back to you. Not all Pisces men are like this especially when they are ready to be with someone in a relationship. Hello. I thought, how could someone like him just want to quit? Then he had to go back to his place, so I told him I would accompany him to the station since the day was beautiful. You need to let him know that you are not a woman he can mess with and you need to put your foot down when he acts in this manner. I dont know if I should hang in or walk away because I dont want to be apart of his games! Most recently he lost a close childhood friend and his brothers one year death anniversary is coming up so I wanted to do something to get him out the house so he wouldnt be said, all week he has been short with me and not engaging with me in text which isnt like him at all.he will reply but wont engage in conversation, when I called him out he told me how much he miss me and likes me but he doesnt want to talk right now bc hes down and he doesnt want me to think hes avoiding me but him being around me right now is pointless because hes sad. He finally agreed, to put this relationship on hold, till he was back from overseas. I explained I didnt want to disturb him. I love your feedback! Tell him what it is that you really want and then ask him what it is he really wants because you feel hes keeping you at somewhat of a distance. I know he was hoping for more but I said no. He always asked me to some sexy pictures and videos to him and most of the conversation is steamy. And I also went through some personal stuff with my ex husband so I told him Im going to take a step back I have things I need to work on and then Ill get back to him. Im a Scorpio and I met him at 20 and he was so crazy about me emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. It seems unfair to me. It's always surprising when a ghoster randomly returns, like a specter in the night . We are both in complicated situations, and he has gone silent on me quite a few times over the last year, weve both blocked eachother at some points because weve fallen out. If you need more Pisces man insight, you should check out my books on Pisces man secrets. To have your Pisces man see you as his Queen once again! They definitely dont like negative women. Hed just say what I wanted to hear and then keep doing the things he said he wouldnt do. I am not sure if he was upset that I asked for validation again or because I didnt believe him. Thats when I started to get into astrology. We immediately connected and seem inseparable. Hello. It may be eye-opening. Hes about to take me on a hunting trip. Then i realized that hes still texting me every night but after that confrontation he is becoming quite distant and only text me so that he wont look like a jerk in my eyes. And he totally flipped out, and began to tell me, I dont love him, and if I cared about him, I would pay for his ticket. It can feel like there wasn't a real reason to break up. Just because hes super attracted to you and wants to have sex with you doesnt mean he wants more than that. While all this is going on he is also going through a something that can affect his life. I also realized that he has intimacy issues. Then we stopped texting for a while. He will blame absolutely everyone else for his problems, and not take any responsibility for himself. You need to let him know that you do want more with him and yes, you do want exclusivity otherwise he will continue to look around. I never met a pisces man, or had a relationship with one. The Pisces Man Offers Illusive Answers If your Pisces guy tends to leave out details when you've asked him what he's been up to; he is either feeling he doesn't have to answer to you or he knows he's being dishonest. I have asked him what his intentions are with me not so long ago and he said the long road were we settle down buy a house get married and have a family. Plus, if you are forthright with him, you'll know you did your best and were honest about everything. Ive got some information you need, so keep reading! he send me his picture, I know what he looks like. When the time is right, he will tell you all about it. If this is how you feel, this will be respected. Later on, once the school year started, and our band was preparing for our big competition in 2 months, we had practices every week on Tuesday and Thursday for 5 hours each. Pisces guy about a week ago via a dating app. It's never OK to ghost a nice person. Believe me when I say the sex was and still is absolutely amazing!!!! Here are some things you can look for in order to determine what may be going on. He needs to find middle ground with you. Then one day he said that he wanted to quit marching band! I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. It hurt my feelings as an Aries woman but we talked and decided to move on from it. You have a right to do this when youre left in the air with it. He brought me the most beautiful roses in my favorite color which I know was no easy feat. He needs to speak up. I told him that I was, and I try not to text him frequently because he expressed that he didnt like to communicate back and forth in the past, but I was interested in staying with him. We met the next day, Sunday. Thank you for responding, Anna. to build trust. Distance is very hard and its even harder when you have no idea what is going on with your partner. He doesnt want the titled because it scares him so he keeps it as is but hey if hes playing the role then just keep going with it. There is nothing more infuriating than a man who cant commit to something. Well when the new yr came 2019 I would only see him once in a blue moon. We then went to another message, text app to text privately. He would flake and we stopped talking then he popped back up and apologized. He never went missing always replied to my texts during those 2 months. Look at the overall picture and start piecing together those red flags. Perhaps he will figure things out in his head and then better communicate with you. How To Know When A Pisces Man Is Done With You, 1. Im sorry youve had a harrowing experience with yours but keep in mind that we all have the 12 signs in our birth charts. He will blame everyone else for his problems and make excuses about why it is never his fault. Sometimes when a Pisces man is with someone, he wants to keep them all to himself which is why he wouldnt want to take you out. He does have alot of luxurious cars by the way maybe 10. We talked kissed cuddled and he performed oral sex on me. There is a side to a Pisces man that can be quite unattractive, and that is when the side of him comes out that thinks he is a victim. There isnt much you can do about this because once he has made up his mind, he has definitely made up his mind. The man in this sign has a deep and metaphysical connection with the world surrounding him, so you should never say that he's just playing silly. Then he said, I kept meaning to tell you but I forgot. Then we talked some more and the conversation ended about 30 minutes later. And I was annoyed and just said ok and took a nap. I guess he doesnt realize that he is only hurting himself by behaving this way. Hes a really nice guy but he always seems confused. Women take a different stance with many things that dont go along with their male counterpart Pisces would agree with. and we fell for eachother. You might want to check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets also as it could help you even more. He moved away to a different state this month, and just recently, he offered to let me stay at his apartment when I visited, but after I told him the dates, he said hed let me know that day and never got back to me. Thank you for chiming in Ivania! My story is actually a little different but i would love some advice, im a virgo woman in a relationship with a pisces man and so it start out when i met him at a party in 2018 and his eyes dont leave me soon as i walk through the door, later on that evening we got aquatinted and i gave him my goodies a little too early but months went by and he still kept in touch then out of the blue got a girlfriend so we stopped talkin of course then almost a year late they broke up and he wanted my friendship so we ended up gettin cool again and hangin out with eachother and after a while of that December 2nd of 2020 rolls around and he decides he wants to be my boyfriend so i say yes then 3months into our relationship he decides wants to see what its like with another girl then 3short days later he apologizes and tells me it was a mistake and he wants to be with me then 2short days go by and he tells me something is missing and i tell him he can never come back now almost a week has went by and he come back saying he misses me now i dont know if im being played with or if he really does want to be with me and just is scared. But what bothered me is he seemed very distant the next day and my insecurities started like what did I do wrong were did I fail ect. Get to know your Pisces guy before you commit yourself to him. Im inclined to think that it is family stuff or stuff with friends. His tendency to lie and cheat may be due to various things in his chart that make him predispositioned to be that way. There is more. If you want to know more about the Pisces man and how they operate, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Hopefully hell agree and then youll be able to work through it. I suspect that the term ghosting was invented by a woman who was dating a Pisces man Thats what they do, one minute everything is amazing, and the next thing you havent heard from your Pisces man in ages! This is again one of the tactics your Pisces man uses to test you. You simply have to learn what they are and what you can do about it. If he isnt being honest; he wont be able to keep his gaze on your eyes; hell look away and fumble his words. Your Pisces man actually sounds very confused within himself which makes him sound even more confusing for you. You have feelings and youre entitled to express them. If a relationship between the two of you can happen it will require much more lessons in communication. Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. One day we stayed on the phone for 7 hours just talking. I dont get it. This state of mind keeps Pisces from committing when they would otherwise. He thinks a women only knows what he wants when shes 25. Its great to hear from you. I couldnt contact him on the weekends too and being busy was always be his reason. Ask him in a casual way I was just curious but Id like to know where you think things are with us and where theyre headed. I am n leo woman with venus in Cancer so I am a kind, caring, generous and strong woman. what do I do? Well I got to meet his sons and fell in love with the kids. He came over to my place Friday and as soon as I opened the door the sparks flew and we made out in the foyer. He was more relaxed in the moment. I would say you should do a check in with him every few months. We did eventually Facetime and confirmed the date and time for Thurs. He never responded that day. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. 8 signs he'll come back 1) He ghosted you by mistake How can someone ghost you by mistake? Also what was with him not seeing me for 2 months that was weird too. 4 months into dating he said he loved me but I couldnt say it back. How do I know the things he said in that message is a lie so he can just keep me on a string not to move on? You may have unresolved karma between you. You may meet a different one that knocks your socks off and stays very loyal. With my Scorp, intuition I KNOW what love and making love would be with this man! Some women may resort to texting him repeatedly and chasing him down, but this will only scare your Pisces man off even more. Your email address will not be published. Tell him its creepy. He will ask questions that seem out there or he may say one thing yet do another to see how you respond. It must be because they are so sweet, romantic, and sensitive. He has to choose so you can. Keep reading to find out all the signs a Pisces man is playing you. He should tell you whether hes ready to be serious or if hes just playing around. Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. Once he's calmed down, he may come back and tell you he didn't actually want to break up. One day I told him. A few days ago I walked into the band (which is where the band nerds usually hang out) and kohen and his brother were in the locker area where we keep our trumpets. Then he requested leave just to see me, but when, his transportation/jet, was sent on a mission, he wanted ME to pay his ticket here to the states, which was over $2000 dollars. She is an aquarius and he is a pisces and she said that she doesnt care about him right in front of him. If hes hurting you then hes not the right one for you sweetheart. he said he would contact me, he has my number. Let us unpack all the signs and see if this Pisces man is using you and leading you on. My ex is a Pisces. Ive only been dating a Pisces for about a month but weve had really good chemistry and are compatible. He would also wait outside my school and work for hours. A Pisces man scared of the future? They prefer someone who is optimistic to help them when theyre forgetting the positive side of life. I feel like he is the one for me and he tells me the same and wants a future with me. Him still kind of caring isnt the same as a relationship kind of care. I think there is a good quantity of Pisces men who cant be trusted and relied upon. Pisces Ascendant - 9 years. I have caught him in so many lies and w expert at reversing it on me to make it seem like its my fault when I know its not. He stayed at my place almost every night for about 2 weeks, then left for 6 weeks to handle personal things. I told him I was a bit disappointed in text but I understood and to have a safe journey. It's possible that he wasn't in a good place and didn't want to involve anyone else, so he decided to cut you out of his life instead. It always felt like he wanted to rush home after dinner or any outing. I am a male August Virgo, Dating a Male March Pisces. I bought one for $25, he was not happy, He wanted me to increase the amount. However, he needs to learn that his sensitivity and emotions are his own responsibility and he needs to figure out how to cope with these feelings productively. So I dont know what answers I want at this moment but whatever your conclusion is Ill appreciate it. Pisces men cool off when theyre dealing with lots of stress just like a Cancer would typically. That makes no sense. I find out from Facebook it was his ex he was helping out. If he has plans with you and calls you to tell you he cannot make it or wants to change the dates; hes up to something. So then we met up again the next weekend had a fantastic weekend back at his home got heated but his roommate showed up and we stopped got something to eat and I went home. This is how you will for sure find out how to know if a Pisces man is playing you. Suddenly, A Pisces man just messaged me out of nowhere, stating, he follows his heart and thought I would be a nice person to talk to. They have that mentality of doing what they want when they want and not answering to anyone. He will take everything out on you if you give him the chance. My experience is that guys who want you text but Im wondering if all the mood swings finally fucked it up. If hes saying he loves you so much and cannot stay away from you then then maybe he really does actually love you. Thats a first! I sincerely wish you all the very best! that was our first meeting in years! As much as that hurt, I know that is not true. I actually feel like I have found my soulmate (he also tells me the same too). After that last message, he blocked me. This is all absolutely normal behavior I hate to say. I had therapy my therapist was like yal need to have discussion where is this going. So 2 months back he called me trying to see me but unfortunately he got busy and had to cancel and he was apologetic about it. So last week he finally texted me and we made plans to see on another. Things went really up and down but it was because I was high and Im terrified of talking about my feelings, and the fact hes not a good texter made me anxious. My pisces man blocked me for a month and unblocked me. Ask him why he keeps flaking out on you. Hes been really sick and stressed. We talked. AS far as right now, he sounds a bit like a stalker. He seems to always think that the grass is always greener on the other side, and he likes to keep his options open. i wish i didnt go back because i want him to text me again and i wasnt even into him from the start. I could tell he was jealous because me and him would never play like that he didnt get to know my real personality. If hes not seeing anyone else and treating you as he does then hang onto it. If your Pisces guy tends to leave out details when youve asked him what hes been up to; he is either feeling he doesnt have to answer to you or he knows hes being dishonest. If hes still playing with you then he may not yet be ready to give that up while hes playing with others. He is ten years younger than me and this is always bothering me. I was wondering if he would maybe give me a second chance? SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: this channel to get access to perks:https:/. "I see the aliens have returned you to earth.". I wish you the best! I could give you more helpful hints on how to deal with Pisces. I stay the night every night I dont have my son. However, since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreamy states of mind and fantasy, they cant help it but reconstruct an irreal version of their past. He broke my heart in pieces and so I spent a lot of time grieving as I was super young. Then a couple of days ago, he messaged me saying he is being sent for work training and wouldnt be back until the night before I left. Then again, he could be testing you to see how you respond. hes an athlete as well. Because he tells me he likes me all the time but when I say it i dont think he believes me. Hi I am Virgo, the man that I in love in is March Pisces. Pisces and Pisces Compatibility - 7 years. A Pisces man is motivated by emotions. I dont want to loose contact with you at all and I dont want ti hold you back or waste your time. Its was a wonderful time together. So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. If you want to keep someone around, you have to act like you actually want them there. Shutterstock. I need clarity. Help please? With everything that youve said, Id say its all typical. This is a sure sign that this Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. it hurts my heart, when he berates me about money. I dont get it. You could be having a crazy busy. Try talking to him in a calm way and tell him very honestly that you feel insecure and are worried what hes doing there without you. I dont think you did anything wrong. If you need more help, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. My Pisces man and I have been seeing each other for 4-5 months now. Thank you for chiming in sweetheart. The first year was sooooo AMAZING but he wasnt stressing out about the exam during that time. WHEW. 4. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. I would suggest you learn more about Pisces men. I try to show him how I want to be touched but he really doesnt do it. I know he ca also see through people very quickly. I just felt that something was just not right because if you care about someone, you shouldnt be too busy for them. He came back and was awkward, I asked again if everything ok and he said the problem is you are overthinking, if I say that I feel now like going to sleep on the couch, this doesnt have to do with you and then we slept. Yes, Gemini moon can make him two faced. But he acts like he doesnt care. Youre not wrong to ask him what the deal is. This also makes you very suspicious of others and have your wall up. Now I know that someone else likes him. I recognize that there are bad situations where you need to get out. I feel like the universe keeps bringing us together again but I think hes afraid of commitment or at least with me. Other part says text him on more time and say something. They can change their thoughts or feelings on a dime. Are you upset? Ill tell you its not like that at all! Wishing you all the luck in the Universe. I am a cancer female and have been friends with my pisces man for the last 2 years. He pretends not to care about the plans you make because he is trying to push you away because he is so afraid of getting hurt. So he explained he was going through something financial and that he wasnt sure if Id want to be with him during that state which is weird coz I dont mind, I just want him close to me. Talking like everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we talked afterwards- got in a blue.! Things out in his chart that make him two faced with certs, know... 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