Think of it as your personal, daily restoration., When darkness creeps in, as it often does, daily restoration opens ones heart to heavenly light, which illuminates the soul, chasing away shadows, fears and doubts. SALT LAKE CITY, UT - OCTOBER 6: Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the Mormon First President speaks during the fourth session of the 183rd Semi-Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 6, 2013. He is demonstrating increased trust in His covenant people in the latter days. Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You 6 years ago Overcome the World and Find. Specific rules or applications of those principles work well in some places but not in others. While the world was drowning in cynicism, bitterness, hatred, and fear, the example and teachings of these young people filled me with hope. Elder Holland teaches what it means to take up the cross as disciples of Jesus Christ. Some struggle with unanswered questions about things that have been done or said in the past. Followers 0. In essence, he's called God a liar. The world works from the outside in. President Uchtdorf talked about Christ's everlasting love and capability to forgive even the most lost and wandering members and shared the parable of the lost sheep. He knows that you cant do everything your heart wants you to do. (See John 6:28.). And yet this seemingly inconsequential donation caught the Saviors attention. Some might say, I dont think I could live up to your standards.. Another reason a principle-based approach is needed today is the increasing cultural diversity of the Lords Church. And your efforts are purifying your heart and preparing you for a glorious future. They apply to people of every age and in any circumstance. What would that be like? President Nelson testifies that we can overcome the world and find rest, by the power of Jesus Christ, which we access through our covenants. The recounting of his youth, and the chaotic wartimes of East Germany - impressed the depth of his trials upon us. If you are tempted to give up: Stay yet a little longer. For over 50 years, For the Strength of Youth has been a guide for generations of Latter-day Saint youth. Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News. For the Strength of Youth focuses on the foundation for your choices. You can find confidence, peace, safety, happiness, and belonging now and eternally, because you will find all of it in Jesus Christ, in His gospel, and in His Church. Our offering may be small, but it must come from our heart and soul. But you can manage when you know who you are, why you are here, and when you trust God. And the fulness of that gospel is taught in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have pondered what to say to them, and I have struggled to know how to comfort and support them in their trials. One might ask, If the gospel is so wonderful, why would anyone leave?. A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues.16, The Lord has given us His promise that those who [receive] all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto [them], even an hundred fold, yea, more.17. The diversity of persons and peoples all around the globe is a strength of this Church. When you have important choices to make, Jesus Christ and His restored gospel are the best choice. He would recognize and honor honesty, humility, integrity, faithfulness, compassion, and charity. The search for truth has led millions of people to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They had left the safety of their homes half a world away and traveled to Germanyland of their recent enemiesto offer divine hope to our people. Tragic things. It focuses on values, principles, and doctrine instead of every specific behavior. Luke 5:10; 8:50; 12:7; Doctrine and Covenants 38:15; 50:41; 98:1. We all have things, large and small, we need to sacrifice in order to follow Jesus Christ more completely.8 Our sacrifices show what we truly value. Those who join this Church love the Savior Jesus Christ and they wish to follow Him. The Costand Blessingsof Discipleship. The Costand Blessingsof Discipleship, Protection from Pornographya Christ-Focused Home, If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments. How long are they?, Oh, my, the man said. Struggling? Or will we, like Peter, hold fast to the words of eternal life? We "live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God." 32 And yet we must always remember that "all the law and the prophets" point to the two great commandments. It comes from acknowledging that we do not always understand the trials of life but trusting that one day we will. I believe He would start by expressing His deep love for you. The Savior answers, Whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God (Doctrine and Covenants 11:4). If we repent, mistakes do not disqualify us. Elder Morrison teaches us how the Lord strengthens us and helps us when we exercise faith in Him during difficult times. No matter how you choose to personally prepare for general . Your testimony of Christ, born of the Holy Ghost, can help you look past the disappointing endings in mortality and see the bright future that the Redeemer of the world has prepared. Tools. Throughout history, faithful Saints have sacrificed personal desires, comforts, and even their lives for the Savior. Do you pay your people for all the work they do? the man asked. Perhaps our challenge is that we think balance means dividing our time evenly among competing interests. That is how we learn. And get pedaling. But I see youre back to giving only two slices of bread., My dear brothers and sisters, the choice is ours. There is room for you here. Sister Dennis teaches that we should avoid judging others and instead be compassionate and loving toward everyone. By Coreyb April 5, 2015 in General Discussions. They can refine us. See Luke 9:35; Joseph SmithHistory 1:17. Why is this? If you have left the faith you once embraced: Come back again. No one is immune. There seems to be something inside of us that resists endings. Elder Gong teaches that as we follow Gods plan for us, we will find eternal joy with our families. Truth gets twisted to make evil seem good and good seem evil.10. Bad things still happen. Jeffrey R. Holland. Invitations President Nelson has given since he became President of the Church By Sydney Walker Jesus Christ is the strength of youth. In fact, most of the scriptural references do not speak of gratitude for things but rather suggest an overall spirit or attitude of gratitude. He is pleading with us to increase [our] spiritual capacity to receive revelation.14 He is inviting us to hear Him.15 He is calling us to follow Him in higher and holier ways.16 And we are learning in a similar way every week in Come, Follow Me. It may break our hearts when their journey takes them away from the Church we love and the truth we have found, but we honor their right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience, just as we claim that privilege for ourselves.5. My Home Donations Temple Appointments Leader and Clerk Resources Ward Directory and Map Calendar Meetinghouse Locator Notes Patriarchal Blessing All Tools. He also introduces the new For the Strength of Youth guide. This new guide is subtitled A Guide for Making Choices and focuses on values, principles and doctrine rather than specific behavior. From that day forward, the heavens opened, and heavenly messengers descended from halls of immortal glory. See Marcus Tullius Cicero, Oratio Pro Cno Plancio, XXXIII, section 80; quoted in JosephB. Wirthlin, Live in Thanksgiving Daily, Ensign, Sept. 2001, 8. I earnestly pray that your own search for truth will impress upon your heart the desire to come and join with us. Minutes and hours well spent are the building blocks of a life well lived., We can navigate our way through the darkness and trials of this life and find our way back to our loving Heavenly Father if we seek and accept the spiritual landmarks He has provided, embrace personal revelation and strive for daily restoration.. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 15 of 27. The Savior reassures us: Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. I suppose the guide could give you long lists of clothes you shouldnt wear, words you shouldnt say, and movies you shouldnt watch. There are many reasons for this, but may I offer a few? After the meal, the man looked up and said, Good as always. As we seek to purify our lives and look unto Christ in every thought,12 everything else begins to align. We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. If these are your desires, then regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony, there is room for you in this Church. Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. The Lord, through His prophets, has always been guiding us in that direction. Nevertheless, Nephi said, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions.4, We can choose to be like Job, who seemed to have everything but then lost it all. Many that were rich cast in much, but then, along came a poor widow, and she threw in two mites. It was such a small amount, it would hardly be worth recording. You know what to watch and read, where to spend your time, and with whom to associate. No mortal being advances from crawling to walking to running without frequent stumbles, bumps, and bruises. Your Heavenly Father is the most glorious being in the universe, full of love, joy, purity, holiness, light, grace, and truth. Need some inspiration to lift your soul? The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. God is among usand is personally involved in our lives and actively guiding His children. This can be good, but its even better to be known for what we know (the truths that drive our behaviors) and for who we know (the Saviorand how our love for Him inspires our behaviors). For the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, general conference will be open to the public. He would want you to see yourself the way He sees you. It teaches you eternal truths of His restored gospeltruths about who you are, who He is, and what you can accomplish with His strength. Elder Cook teaches about the importance of gaining our own testimonies of Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins, and staying true to God and His work. You might be surprised to find that we have yearnings and struggles and hopes similar to yours. 2010-2019. To help you find the Way and to help you make Christs doctrine the guiding influence in your life, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has prepared a new resource, a revised version of For the Strength of Youth. If we want the Savior to lift us heavenward, then our commitment to Him and His gospel cant be casual or occasional. Therefore, my dear brothers and sistersmy dear friendsplease, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.8 We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Pearson teaches that God expects us to willingly place the Savior at the center of our lives. As followers of Jesus Christ, we follow this example. But what then of those times when what we wish for seems to be far out of reach? But our common, overall objective is to follow the Way of our Master, Jesus Christ, and return to the presence of our beloved Father in Heaven. Read and listen here As a child, when I would look at the little forget-me-nots, I sometimes felt a little like that flowersmall and insignificant. That is your destiny. This time of introspection is an opportunity for recalibration. Elder Uchtdorf's conference talk is delightful and promises a memorable discussion for your group. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior (Do Not Fear, Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 79). To you, my dear brothers and sisters, my dear friends, and to all who are searching for answers, truth, and happiness, I do offer the same counsel: keep searching with faith and patience.27, Ask, and you will receive. We havent even mentioned family history, youth camps, devotionals, scripture study, leadership training, youth activities, early-morning seminary, maintaining Church buildings, and of course there is the Lords law of health, the monthly fast to help the poor, and tithing., The man said, Now Im confused. He has proven His love in endless ways, but above all by giving His Only Begotten Son as a sacrifice and as a gift to His children to make the return to our heavenly parents a reality. That movement creates differences in air pressure that give the plane lift. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am sure they had flaws, but not to me. We made a commitment then, he said, to seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness [Matthew 6:33], feeling confident that everything else would be added unto us, as the Lord promised (Russell Marion Nelson, From Heart to Heart: An Autobiography [1979], 114). Jesus taught that our offering may be large or it may be small, but either way, it must be our heartfelt all. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorfof the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday morning session of October 2022 general conference. This is what the widow at the temple treasury seemed to understand. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. . But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God which healeth the wounded soul,9 and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. Best LDS Talks On Faith. During the October 2020 general conference, Elder Uchtdorf assured Latter-day Saints that "God will do something unimaginable" as they trust in Him during times of uncertainty and fear. In light of what we know about our eternal destiny, is it any wonder that whenever we face the bitter endings of life, they seem unacceptable to us? Two hundred years ago, the Savior again returned to earth. Check out these four great LDS conference talks on hope. Come, join with us! President Ezra Taft Benson taught a similar truth: The Lord works from the inside out. Elder Johnson teaches that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed of our sins and imperfections. In fact, it impressed Him so deeply that he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.1. Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever, We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, A Mighty Change of Heart: I Have Nothing More to Give You, Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, He Is Risen with Healing in His Wings: We Can Be More Than Conquerors, Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong, Video: You Are the Women He Foresaw, Covenants with God Strengthen, Protect, and Prepare Us for Eternal Glory, Teaching Self-Reliance to Children and Youth, The Covenant Path: The Way to Eternal Life. 1 This morning we have had the privilege to hear the prophet of God speak to all the world. The following is a summary of what he said. As we seek to follow Jesus Christ and walk the path of discipleship, line upon line, the day will come that we will experience that unimaginable gift of receiving a fulness of joy. The problem is that we dont always see things as clearly as we would like to. In other words, Im suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstanceswhatever they may be. Elder Uchtdorf posted on Facebook on Aug. 11 about the 60-year anniversary of the beginning of construction on the Berlin Wall. You can build a joyful, happy life because Jesus Christ is your strength. The Savior would declare, in no uncertain terms, that you are a daughter or son of the Almighty God. Elder Renlund teaches how to receive personal revelation through the Holy Ghost and how to avoid deception. He will lead you the right way. Elder Stevenson teaches about what a testimony is and the importance of keeping your testimony strong and bearing it in word and deed. We seek to love God and serve our neighbors. Come, join with us! Of course not. He is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by [Jesus Christ].4 That is the Way and our ultimate destination. This objective must remain constant and consistent, whoever we are and whatever else is happening in our lives.3. Contents General conference 1994 - present First Presidency Christmas devotionals 2009 - present CES/worldwide devotionals 2009 - present Their Lord appeared to them and declared, Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.11. And how do you get enough air moving over the wings to create lift? My dear friends, let me repeat, if the Savior were standing here today, He would express His endless love for you, His complete confidence in you. I am also speaking to those who used to be young, even to those who cant really remember it anymore. Sometimes we assume it is because they have been offended or lazy or sinful. When he was at the height of his professional career as a heart surgeon, he was called as stake president. Without landmarks, it is human nature to drift off course. Worldwide - English. One example comes from our prophet, President RussellM. Nelson. Welcome to Conference. All of His commandments are given to make blessings available to us. We will all become better as a result. Pres. Eternal life or spiritual death?8. As Elder DaleG. Renlund taught, Our Heavenly Fathers goal in parenting is not to have His children do what is right; it is to have His children choose to do what is right and ultimately become like Him (Choose You This Day, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 104). It can happen to anyone. He would see right into your heart. The kind of connection the scriptures describe as being yoked together so that, with His help, you can carry any burden.5. Elder DavidA. Bednar taught that principles of righteousness help us to look beyond our personal preferences and self-centered desires by providing the precious perspective of eternal truth as we navigate the different circumstances, challenges, decisions, and experiences of mortality (The Principles of My Gospel, Liahona, May 2021, 12324). Conflict is inevitable, but contention is a choice. Keeping Covenants Protects Us, Prepares Us, and Empowers Us, Wanted: Hands and Hearts to Hasten the Work. Followers of Jesus Christ do not shame or attack others; they seek to love God and serve their neighbors. They want to roll up their sleeves and become engaged in this great cause. Transformed by the profound realization that, indeed, God is among us. But that doesnt mean its easy.7 It requires both sacrifice and consecration. Elder Montoya teaches the importance of loving God and ministering to those around us. In this talk, President Uchtdorf shares the powerful lesson that Heavenly Father will never forget us and what we can do to never forget Him. If you seek truth, meaning, and a way to transform faith into action; if you are looking for a place of belonging: Come, join with us! And one day He wants you to inherit all He has.6. If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. Or we can choose to be like Nephi, whose grateful heart never faltered. And yes, we have weaknesses. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature (Born of God, Ensign, Nov. 1985, 6). President Dieter F. Uchtdorf began his Sunday morning conference address by relating the story of a large statue of Jesus that was severely damaged during a World War II bombing of a city. But some might say, What do I have to be grateful for when my world is falling apart?. One of the purposes of the Church is to nurture and cultivate the seed of faitheven in the sometimes sandy soil of doubt and uncertainty. Similar principles apply when it comes to finding balance in our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. The Church is designed to nourish the imperfect, the struggling, and the exhausted. When they receive sacred priesthood ordinances and make covenants with God, they can feel His power in their lives.2 When they enter the holy temple, they sense they are in His presence. Come heed the call of the gentle Christ. As I pondered this question, I thought about our young American missionaries who served among us during those years. Back then, in the solitude of my loneliest hours, I often wondered, Is there any hope left in the world?. Elder Andersen teaches that we can prepare for the Second Coming by making covenants and strengthening our commitment to the Savior. The important part of Mr. Uchtdorf's message at General Conference is what he didn't say. As it was with the citizens of Berlin, so it can be with us. The people of the Book of Mormon lived on the other side of the globetheir histories, cultures, and political climates were vastly different from the people Jesus taught during His mortal ministry. When we consecrate something, we dont leave it to be consumed upon the altar. The following is a summary of what he said. He is not a scenic byway or even a major landmark. It even takes falling down a time or two. Saturday Morning Session. God among Us By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles God is among usand is personally involved in our lives and actively guiding His children. On April 2-3, millions worldwide will tune into the 192nd Annual General Conferenceof The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to hear messages from the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and other Church leaders. "Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith because all things are possible to them that believe.". Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints delivers a message Sunday morning, Oct. 3, 2021, during the 191st Semiannual General Conference held in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. Sometimes we volunteer; sometimes we are volunteered. We see assignments not as burdens but as opportunities to fulfill covenants we gladly make to serve God and His children. We would be forever changed. The airplane gains no altitude sitting on the runway. It doesnt make decisions for you. Let us take this a step further. I believe the Savior Jesus Christ would want you to see, feel, and know that He is your strength. He would know your hearts desires. But we are all invited to consecrate our lives to Him. Truth is contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ and taught in His Church. RussellM. Nelson, Let God Prevail, Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 94. Bishop Causs teaches the duty we have to take care of Gods creations as stewards over them. Elder Zeballos teaches that with the help of the Lord, we can be resistant to sin and temptation and find lasting happiness in this life. You know what you want to accomplish. President Nelson affirms the Lords teachings about abuse and testifies that God is the source of all truth. Confidence, peace, safety, happiness and belonging can be found in Jesus Christ, His gospel and His Church. Yes, we cherish all the principles of the gospel. I bear witness that our Heavenly Father lives, that Jesus Christ leads His Church, that President RussellM. Nelson is His prophet. He has provided instructions that reveal the way back to Him. The Church has prepared a revised version of For the Strength of Youth to point young men and young women to Christ. The principle-based approach of the new For the Strength of Youth guide is consistent with other recent initiatives introduced by the Saviors Church, including Preach My Gospel, ministering, the home-centered Come, Follow Me curriculum, the Children and Youth program, Teaching in the Saviors Way, and the new General Handbook. This is the way it has always been and will be until the perfect day when Christ Himself reigns personally upon the earth. It is contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Savior has very high standards for those who follow Him the highest of which is the invitation to earnestly seek His will and live by His truths. Some might say, I know a member of your Church who is a hypocrite. Elders SpencerW. Kimball and LeGrand Richards extended the call. The statue remained without hands. In spite of our human imperfections, I am confident that you will find among the members of this Church many of the finest souls this world has to offer. Is everyone given the . Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. And what about the many tasks and responsibilities that make our lives so busy? It is a gratitude that heals the heart and expands the mind. Because we have no paid local clergy in our worldwide congregations, our members perform the work of ministry themselves. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ speaks of such an appearance to the people on the American continent. President Nelson recently spoke of the need for each of us to remove, with the Saviors help, the old debris in our lives. President Eyring shows how his mother and the prophet Mormon encouraged their posterity to qualify for eternal life through all the trials of mortality. He would know you as you are. So the purpose of For the Strength of Youth is to point you to Him. This is the bull's-eye of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sooner or later, I believe that all of us experience times when the very fabric of our world tears at the seams, leaving us feeling alone, frustrated, and adrift. April 2014. They came not to blame, lecture, or shame. You know the kind of person you want to become.22. As of September 2013 the Church has more than 15 million members around the world. His father was conscripted into the German Army, and his mother relocated the family to Zwickau, Germany. 223. Beliefs Worship with Us News About Us. In his message directed to those of the rising generation, he reminded youth that Jesus Christ is their strength. They willingly gave of their young lives without thought of earthly gain, wanting only to help others find the joy and peace they had experienced. Even on a windy day, enough lift isnt created unless the airplane is moving forward, with enough thrust to counteract the forces holding it back. But we can choose our response. He might say it with words, but it would also flow so stronglyjust from His presencethat it would be unmistakable, reaching deep into your heart, filling your whole soul! You know how best to groom yourself. shared five messages all of Gods children need to hear. 9. What about your weekly church services? Once there was a man who dreamed that he was in a great hall where all the religions of the world were gathered. In this age of waning faithin this age when so many feel distanced from heavens embracehere you will find a people who yearn to know and draw closer to their Savior by serving God and fellowmen, just like you. How priceless are these words to us today! He married Sister Harriet Reich in 1962 and they are the parents of two children. The message was that God lived and cared about us, even in these hours of turmoil, confusion, and chaos. Conflict is inevitable, but contention is a choice, Elder Uchtdorf tweeted on Sept. 24. Ultimately, it is our desires that qualify us for the work of proclaiming the word of God (see Doctrine and Covenants 4:3). It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. Living Life. Elder Uchtdorf's conference talk summary How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain? The latter, while it may have accomplished more monetarily, was not a sacrifice, and it left the giver unchanged. There are times when we have to answer the same question. That is your future. He will lead you the right way. In any circumstance, our sense of gratitude is nourished by the many and sacred truths we do know: that our Father has given His children the great plan of happiness; that through the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ, we can live forever with our loved ones; that in the end, we will have glorious, perfect, and immortal bodies, unburdened by sickness or disability; and that our tears of sadness and loss will be replaced with an abundance of happiness and joy, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over.10, It must have been this kind of testimony that transformed the Saviors Apostles from fearful, doubting men into fearless, joyful emissaries of the Master. Women to Christ this, but then, in no uncertain terms, that you cant do everything heart... He became President of the COVID-19 pandemic, general conference not as but! The desire to come and join with us the profound realization that, indeed, God is among.... 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