Romans 14:5 We are to be in subjection for two reasons. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! D. God's Blessings and Curses 7:11-22. God would establish Solomons kingdom if he fully obeyed Gods Word (2 Chronicles 7:17-18). This fire, breaking forth (as it is probable) out of the thick darkness, made it the more terrible, as on Mount Sinai, Exod 24 16, 17. 16:1; 2 Chron. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:11-12 (NASB), Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Verse 7. Humility is always becoming in any child of God. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Use semicolons to separate groups: 'Gen;Jdg;Psa-Mal' or 'Rom 3-12;Mat 1:15;Mat 5:12-22', There are options set in 'Advanced Options', The Whole Bible 12. the Lord appeared to Solomon by night(See on [424]1Ki 9:1-9). Luke-Acts h. My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually: The idea of God having a heart is extremely rare in the Bible, and the only other explicit reference speaks of God suffering heart pains because of the evil of humanity (Genesis 6:6; cf. He knows our weaknesses, and while he calls us to perfection, he has sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ to save us from our sins and bring us into peace with him. That would include 2 Chronicles 7:14, rightly interpreted. In case of necessity the pavement might be an altar. But in the scriptures, it is interesting that God seemed to warn people of the very thing that later became their stumbling block. Tragic. And Solomon finished the house of the LORD, and the king's house: and all that came into Solomon's heart to make in the house of the LORD, and in his own house, he prosperously effected. God loves a humble heart that says, God, have mercy on me, a sinner (Lk 18:13). There is something naturally humble in true prayer because it recognizes that the answers are not in self and they are in God. I for one am praying for American Christians to embrace genuine humility, hunger and holiness. With reverence to adore the glory of God: They bowed their faces to the ground and worshipped . #3 and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin Repentance that is true will come paired with turning from sin and wicked ways. Some have been taught that they can sin all they want so long as they repent every time. The grateful return made to God for this gracious token of his favour. It's been called "the most extensive evangelical awakening of all time.". (2.) Pray. But if you forsake Me, Solomon, then I'm going to forsake you. John 3:16, Jesus faith love), The Whole Bible 2. d. Will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples. everyone who passes by it will be astonished: Under the Old Covenant, God promised to use Israel to exalt Himself among the nations one way or another. The glory of God filling the house, the cloud of God and all of this glorious experience and God is saying, "Now, Solomon, don't forsake Me." God loves to forgive the true-hearted penitent. . 43.]. You know, why don't You save Your breath, God? In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we note three precepts that are consistently called for by God throughout Scripture: humility, hunger and holiness. In his days the land was quiet for ten years. Humble themselves. No. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point He supposed it possible that though they had this temple built to the honour of God, yet they might be drawn aside to worship other gods, v. 19. 12 And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice. Pentateuch The Lord anticipated a time of trial, one that would have been real to any nation in that time and placea period of drought, pestilence, and famine (7:13). Fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple, The priests could not enter the house of the LORD, They bowed their faces to the ground on the pavement, and worshiped and praised the LORD, For He is good, for His mercy endures forever, The king and all the people offered sacrifices before the LORD, King Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty-two thousand bulls and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep, The priests attended to their services; the Levites also with instruments of the music of the LORD, the bronze altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings, At that time Solomon kept the feast seven days, and all Israel with him, For the good that the LORD had done for David, for Solomon, and for His people Israel, Thus Solomon finished the house of the LORD and the kings house, Solomon successfully accomplished all that came into his heart, Have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice, If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, Then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land, Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place, My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually, If you walk before Me as your father David walkedthen I will establish the throne of your kingdom, walk before Me as your father David walked, But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandmentsthen I will uproot them, And this house which I have sanctified for My name I will cast out of My sight, Will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples. everyone who passes by it will be astonished, David Guzik :: Hechos 2 El Espritu Santo Es Derramado Sobre la Iglesia, David Guzik :: Hechos 9 La Conversin de Saulo de Tarso, David Guzik :: Mateo 4 La Tentacin de Jess y Su Primer Ministerio en Galilea, David Guzik :: Apocalipsis 20 Satans, el Pecado y la Muerte son Finalmente Eliminados, David Guzik :: Apocalipsis 12 La Mujer, el Nio, y el Dragn, David Guzik :: 2 Timoteo 3 Los Tiempos Peligrosos y la Preciosa Verdad, David Guzik :: 1 Samuel 28 Sal y la Adivina de Endor, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus and the Holy Trinity (Walter Martin), Revelation 7-9 (1982-85 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Revelation 2-3 (1982-85 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Genesis 1:1-8 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Revelation 10-12 (1982-85 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Psalms 71-80 (1979-82 Audio) (Chuck Smith), Clarke, Adam "Clarke's Commentary: The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments with a Commentary and Critical Notes" Volume 2 (Joshua-Esther) (New York: Eaton and Mains, 1827), Morgan, G. Campbell "An Exposition of the Whole Bible" (Old Tappan, New Jersey: Revell, 1959), Selman, Martin J. This passage shows how to avoid the consequences of disobedience: submit to God, pray, and repent (i.e., change direction, not just feeling; 2 Chronicles 7:14). Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. Romans 13:1 ff. Each of these is taken up at appropriate places in the later narrative of Chronicles, often in connection with one of the remarkable interventions of God." Likewise, when the apostle Paul cited Old Testament examples of rebellion in Israels history that prompted Gods punishment, he noted that they also served as warnings for Christians living under the new covenant. Moreover Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD: for there he offered burnt offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings, because the brazen altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings, and the meal offerings, and the fat ( 2 Chronicles 7:6-7 ). The Old Testament And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? " [If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves." It is always good for Christians to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). How far we have moved from God in our national life, in our local life. And the priests waited on their offices: the Levites also with instruments of music to the LORD, which David the king had made to praise the LORD, because his mercy endureth for ever, when David praised by their ministry; and the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all of Israel stood. Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point Brethren, we want renewed appearances, fresh manifestations, new visitations from on high; and I commend to those of you who are getting on in life, that while you thank God for the past, and look back with joy to his visits to you in your early days, you now seek and ask for a second visitation of the Most High. (Spurgeon). Seek His face. God promised something special to Israel when they did humble themselves and did pray and seek Gods face. As Solomon foresaw the calamities that might befall the nation in their sinning against God, and if they turn and repent and pray, then hear Thou from Thy dwelling place in heaven. "Though they have taken deep root, and taken root long, in this good land, yet I will pluck them up by the roots, extirpate the whole nation, pluck them up as men pluck up weeds out of their garden, which are thrown to the dunghill." The king and all the people offered sacrifices before the LORD: As wonderful as the program and the praise were, they could not replace the sacrifices. After the whole celebration and the thing had died down, the Lord then appeared. General Epistles On October 31, 1904, Evan Roberts' heart was aflame as he writes in Wales. When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. i. Yet the whole situation seems to have made them more aware of the goodness and mercy of God. Major Prophets [Note: Tremper Longman III and Raymond B. Dillard, An Introduction to the Old Testament, p. Acts 5:29 We ought to obey God rather than men. Nor was the interest merely temporary or local. 3. ", God responded to Solomons prayer with a special revelation. It is hard to think of a more intimate way to indicate Gods nearness, or a greater encouragement to prayer. (Selman). The record of it is read and thought of with an interest that is undiminished by the lapse of time. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. It would be the ruin of their church. Minor Prophets The Gospels #1 if my people, who are called by my name, The Jews were the offspring of Abraham, who was the first vicarious man since Adam. 1. When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Christians are those who are called by [His] name. Therefore, it is appropriate that we apply the timeless truths of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a But a prayer may be accepted and yet not answered in the letter of it; and therefore God appeared to him in the night, as he did once before (ch. However it be, yet God is good. The first requirement for such spiritual healing is humility. God expects, that if his people, who are called by his name, have dishonoured his name by their iniquity, they should honour it by accepting the punishment of their iniquity. (2 Chronicles 7:17-22) Gods warning to Solomon. 1. ii. Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. i. Here God was providing for their eventual return, assuming that the human heart is prone to wander and cannot help but stray. 2 Chronicles 7:14. And the glory of God filled the tabernacle in the wilderness. All Christians in America and other nations would do well to increase our hunger for godliness. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB), All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. The word Scripture in this text referred to Old Testament Scripture. Pauline Epistles And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD'S house. We see it in 2 Chronicles 7:14 in the words: (If) My people who are called by My name pray and seek My face. Jesus urged His followers to hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6 NASB). With such a glorious temple, Israel would be tempted to forsake the God of the temple and make an idol of the temple of God. Prophets The consecration of the building was Gods work. In 2 Chronicles 3:14 we read of the veil and in 2 Chronicles 4:1 of the altar of brass whereas the author of 1 Kings does not mention either. 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