Yes, other than to say it was done so as to forward from to God=Author Surely, the OT is just as infallible as the NT. Pope St Pius X pray for us! Enough of this nonsense. About Whites actions dont excuse Jimmys lack of charity, but on a scale of severity Id say that Whites post was much more egregious. My original post was simple and direct to the correction at hand (His disciples were empowered.) It said nothing more than that. Thats a basic exercise to show one understands what one has read, so it should be very simple to do a web forum is much different than a book, so the phrasing doesnt have to be identical. Protestant Evangelicals disagree with each other on infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, church government, womens ordination, the sacraments (their number or if there are any), whether one can lose his salvation, whether God is in or out of time, whether God knows the future, whether the Trinity is social or substantially unified, whether Jesus could have sinned, whether or not in the incarnation the Word gave up his divine attributes, eschatology, whether or not covenant theology is correct, monergysm, synergysm, amil, postmil, the Sabbath, premil, post-trib, mid-trb, no-trib, pre-trib, and the perpetuity of spiritual gifts. Lynchburger: Feb 23, 2021. It is wrong to do evil that good may come of it. On both sides, you will notice the symbols of alpha and omega, as well. In the interview Beckwith never indicated that he had ever read trent, he assumed that everyone knew he did but what he said would easily give you the impression that he hadnt read it. No, you did that. 7:10,11) Im 3. 1Tm 3:15: He allows those who do not repent to choose freely to go to hell. In Your precious Name I pray, Lord Jesus. Crowne Publications, reprinted by Bethany House 1993, Rudolph Boshoff, South African Theological Seminary, 2019 Apologetics Conference, Stanmore Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia, Antioch Bible Church, Johannesburg, South Africa, Knox Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsville, VA, American Family Association, Laurel, Mississippi, Hillcrest Baptist Church, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, 2016 Apologetics Conference, Stanmore Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia, Hope Reformed Baptist Church, Underwood, Australia, Apologetics Conference Christ Presbyterian Church, Magna, UT, Defending the Faith Conference, Christ Community Church, West Covina, CA, 2011 Psalm 119 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Bethal Grace Baptist Church, Bellflower, CA, Discern Conference, Gospel Life Community Church, Santa Fe, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Merrick, NY, Trinity Reformed Baptist Church, La Mirada, CA, The Authority of Scripture Conference, Seattle Airport Marriot, Seattle, WA, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Wake County, NC, Getting Over the Hurdles of the New World Translation (29,3), Summary Critique: How Wide the Divide? using James Whites own words but disguised as a Islamic fundamentalist. Disciples are followers. Isnt that a littleobsessive? Combining your alpha omega tattoo with a quote or phrase can make the design more meaningful. How can the priest know that Ive really done so? That cost a good deal more than this little stunt. The 1914 Chronology of Jehovahs Witnesses, Does God Forgive the Unrepentant? Somebody bring me up to speed. Are you that irrational? now points at Whites siteSuspicious, eh? Its time to step back and stop getting involved in feuds with White and people like him, which often turn personal and very nasty (on both sides). How are we mere mortal men to know who to believe when they claim to have been so inspired? Statement of Faith This is regardless of the bare facts of the case. Any arguments he can raise against Catholicism have been rebutted a thousand times by Catholics. Read Whites post on this, he aks some diffult questions and quite frankly it is Jimmy Akin and Dr. Beckwith who have evaded these important questions and have focues on this did you read rtrent fiasco. //So no one should respond to Hittchens or Dawkins because they are sometimes offensive? No I dont and I never did so Id appreciate it if youll write a recantation to that accusation. His favorite topic. White is using a sort of vanTilian presuppositionalist declaration to make his case. Get your popcorn and enjoy the freak show! they are isolated, connected only by inference and grammer to the world we live in. [21][22][23][24], White has written multiple books critical of Roman Catholic theology, including the books; The Roman Catholic Controversy, Mary: Another Redeemer? I see what Mr. White is trying to get at here, but this only describes the temporal portion of the canon, and in doing so it seems to ascribe to God a sense of learning, as if He didnt know what he would write from the beginning. I give up. I mean, whos to say that the Catholic Church might not have made a mistake in rejecting all those books that they threw out in deciding the Canon of the New Testament??? In 1930 and to an academic audience, Dr. Whites two examples might have been a generally effective way to say to such a large and diverse crowd that he were frustrated at the remarks that some blogging Catholics had thrown his way (if the internet had magically existed, then). Name Server: You may be missing my point, which is, how did you make your determination that Christs authority is in the Catholic Church? Given that Guardian shows up, posts a URL out of the blue, vanishes and four hours later White has an angry post up, it does stink. Donald, We dont have that luxury, since were not God. The Eucharist, Sola Scriptura and Tradition, Proclaiming the Gospel of Grace in Salt Lake. After some consideration, I have come up with an answer for the question posed by Dozie about fifty posts above. Why dont you read the writings of the early church fathers for yourself and try to explain why prominent in the early church was the Eucharist, the Real Presence, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, among other things Catholic? Lisa, I am both edified and humbled. He can think youre going to hell and still treat you as decent human beings. Dont bear false witness to your neighbor is a law from God. Again with the modesty! CatholicWayne: We are all searching for Gods way, and all who are RC, OC, or Protestant know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but we all seem to have a different understanding of how to live that promise. I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. Its simply the way it is. Could It Get Any Loonier? Though i do think the actions taken by white are questionable at best, this is the perfect time to show what it means to be Catholic. Dr. White does not look at debates as something won or lost Tattoo Short Sleeve Tops New Poster for Alpha and Omega xi Tattoo by Jonathan at Alpha & Omega's Tattoo . Dr. James White & Keith Giles, First Lutheran Church, 1311 Holman St., Houston, Texas 77004, The Death of Joseph Ratzinger, the Eternal Covenant in the London Baptist Confession, New Year Laws in California Show Deep Commitment to the Culture of Death, What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Quran, The Textus Receptus as the Word of God is Equal to the New Testament Autographs. Hes frustrated. ummmthat was in response to Bill912. If that mantle fell from the Germans onto another race it would be a welcome respite, but is that really the case? I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpents cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. Thank you, Donald Casadonte. Actually, the fellow may have been right, I mean not in the actual analogy but i did notice that Dr. White said he has been studying Islam and arabic maybe he really is an islamic fundementalist! It seems here we have a presupposition that God will only act in the way Mr. White conjectures. //Except that Bob also said: So neener, neener, I won and everyone else should back me up.// Amazing so since theyre dead, they dont know anything??? At the very beginning of this thread, CareBear had practically bragged about his supposedly superior logic which he compares with those of the inferior Roman Catholic fanbois here. James White (James Robert White) was born on 17 December, 1962 in Hennepin County, Minnesota, U.S., is an American theologian, born 1962. . The Covenant Code I hope that we can all pray for James, his walk with the Lord, and that he would embrace his Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in the Lord. examine the logical dependencies. What a weak excuse Johnathan. As a matter of fact, one of the pivotal moments in my conversion was an AUDIO CASSETTE of James White and Jimmy Akin on a Protestant radio talk show. Actually, CB, thanks to your shining example we dont have to. I mean seriously, I bet you guys have Jimmy Akin/James White action figures and White is wearing a Darth Vader helmet. Francis 03 wondered if anyone would stick up for White. What Does a Christian Need to Know About Islam? Sandy, Short answer, because Christ Himself gave the Church authority. Oh, you mean like accusing someone of a logical fallacy, which you never did substantiate? As you can see in the picture above, both the symbols of alpha and omega have beautifully popped out against the circular lines, making the tattoo look like an optical illusion. I corrected your statement to indicate that it was the disciples who were empowered. Why is that offensive and JWs picture Just funnin . Surely you are not all like that Are you? Thats painfully difficult to square with a heretofore-unrevealed admiration for any aspect of the mans argument. HAHA!!!! Simply Amazing. thread on this blog, merely pretending that they didnt know about it, asking so innocently why such a website existed with the purpose of sending its visitors to Catholic Answers. Just leave the man alone; hes been hurt enough. How did this academic experience at CES shape his intellectual formation, lead him to new areas of research, or help him build relationships with other scholars in the field, which is what happens in real doctoral education? The Question is, can they do anything about it? Whites is consistent about one thing: there is no principle that White is not willing to throw away out of sheer convenience if his opponent is Catholic. Teacher, he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life? The lonely hermetic cell is calling him to quiet, prayerful contemplation and he is running from the silence where the voice of God resides. O Threadhijacker lol, Eileen. Usually Ill employ sarcasm + substance in order to make a point. Its Akins Law that includes comparisons with Islamists. Albeit, as born-again UPDATE: The above pictures are so vile, particularly in light of 9/11 and the ensuing history and those who have been threatened or killed by radical Muslims, that this should be a matter upon which individuals of all confessional affiliations should be able to agree, including Evangelicals. For all thats worth. and the vitriol (no one can argue the level of hatred) expressed towards that should read White antagonistic to Catholics Aug. 11, 11:19 am which I corrected within minutes when I realized I had not proofread it. I seem to remember you having a rather extended time to present your case and failing to do so convincingly before Dr White got frustrated and did I think wrongly hang up on you. I choose not to rn out and buy Whites book. Radical <> murderous. My identity does not derive from protesting against someone elses errors. Did you decide that yourself or did someone decide it for you? Wouldnt they then be more intruiged to find out more about him, seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him? Gospel to be saved (Mark 1:15). Here are the YouTube versions of the same programs: Three main topics today on a 75 minute edition of the Dividing Line: first, asking what Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, means by white nature and where this concept comes from. and a D.M. No that is not the real issue, I think Jorge is refering to Whites serious questions on Indulgences, The thesaurus meritorum, Immaculate conception, Bodily Assumption, Papal Infallibility, and on whether any church bishop taught these things when the Council of Nicea convened, around 318. Its time when it happens. 14 That henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive. Foxfier, mind to mean a change of lifestyle. Case in point, consider the have I missed or misstated anything? One is crying a bit (the youngestmust want her bottle), so I have my own duties to attend to. When we Catholics agree, and point out that St Peter was given the authority by Christ Himself, according to the Bible, and we believe it, you disagree (or at least you disagree that that authority is passed down through the ages to the successors of St Peter). The Revelation of Zechariah During the recent debate between Dr. James White and Dr. Peter Van Kleeck, there was a brief discussion about Matthew 5:18 and the meaning of jot and tittle. I think Bill can relax now since we now have confirmation that Churchmouse all along has been pointing the finger at Catholics, as stated for the record in her latest comments: Nice job sneaking in the hate reference (Islamists & Jews). Exercise patience. How come this individual has no peace of mind? The argument from unity accomplishes nothing because it doesnt exist. Had we more folks like you, then perhaps we could live together as brethren in the Faith rather than the viscious venom you find in the age-old prejudice: Prots v. Romanists. Other formats: Audible Audiobook, Paperback, Audio CD. Not White he is not the enemy but the one who delights in turning a Christian man who defends the Triune God and the Lord Jesus against enemies of the faith against Jesus own holy Church. If people had stuck to the topic, there would not be nearly 700 mostly off-topic posts (what is this, Slashdot?). God bless you, Sir, for your stalwart attempt at spreading the Genuine Gospel of Our Lord. Keep your fallacy out of my doctrine if you dont want my logic in your Church. a. Alpha and Omega Ministries Thats why I started quoting blog entries from certain people is their entirety in my responses (for which, ironically, I was then chastised for going on at such length). They were borrowed from a previous post of his involving Salmon Rushdie and, as such, were perfectly appropriate in the context of what he had to say. Please clarify your frustration for me. Thats something I never denied, but, in fact, thats the reason I posted. He had even gone to the extent of condescendingly putting down Foxfire, ridiculing her, as well as those who would defend Akin, who is but an Internet Apologist. Hence the frustration. There is a point where its reasonable to walk away. As Mary noted, she and I are different people. It is hard to take back a joke but real easy to pull pictures off a website. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. I would hope that anyone involved in a debate, would do so with the intent of winning the debate. You can defend Whites use of those photos, but as a consequence, dont be surprised when people dont want to engage in discussion with you or White. For God, the divine Author of scripture, His knowledge of the canon never changes and thus the Canon cannot be a mere appendix that resulted due to causality. without considering that there might, just might possibly be an alternate explanation Is it not fair to say that a great deal of bad behaviour in the last century was the work of regimes that were atheistic, if not scientistic? I had no wish to align with the whore of babylon, I didnt [then] get litugy, the singing and preaching generally sucked, they had no concept of evangelizing, and way too many inside didnt believe were amazed that I would. CareBear, ChurchMouse, As always, Gods best to my Catholic friends, Discussed the spike protein, selection pressure, Faucis constant lies, etc., as the Omicron Craze sweeps the nation. which promote a false understanding of what it Biblically means to repent. Then we moved First half hour is on how the Regimes attempt to get rid of gas ovens is, in reality, connected to everything else, including the insanity of thinking four year olds can choose their gender. Now you want to say hes judging based on that assumption? [14][15], White often engages in public debate, having participated in more than 170 public moderated debates,[16][17] covering topics such as Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Infant baptism[18] the King James Only movement, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheism. Care to read the entire work and compose a critique of it? Interesting to note that CareBear has attempted to make this out to be a Protestant v. Romanist affair by his deliberate use of pejorative terms (e.g., the Roman Catholic fanbois, those who follow the guy with the pointy hat) with the calculated effect to invoke the age-old prejudice. It is a notch above a diploma mill. all of which you clearly demonstrated by your assumptions that Catholic Answer was behind that website. He worked for many years as a hospital chaplain. Foxfier: Thats what I couldnt quite understand Does Jimmys come with the white cowboy hat? Acts 15:1, And certain men which came down from Judaea There is NO reason for a White disciple to point anyone to Catholic Answers, let alone build up some elaborate hoax to discredit the Catholics here. And I think this is where White is coming from too. Appropriate Ill choose to not read Dr. Whites book at this time. What Mr. Greydanus said. By accepting Whites actions as the just due that is neither just nor due (unless you truly understand Gods intentions here), we rise above the muck and elicit the surprise of every mudskipper and bottom-dweller that never could. To infer such is illogical. Im not seeing how Im supposed to conclude there is a conspiracy or that it would be neccessary to accuse the Roman Catholic apologetics community of anything. The guy who made straight out accusations of lying was given all the time in the world and he didnt even have one example of any blatant misrepresentation or lie that he had slandered Dr White with but hey give him a couple more months.. For men, such a design would look amazing on their chest, as pictured, or even on their back. a. No sensible person would buy a website with the name of a fellow who hates him and direct it to his own web site. To Mr James White, you seem to have missed the point. Really bill 912? His revelation? Why did He choose not to so do? Just dont read his blog and you wont be upset ;). Im rolling laughing right now at the ignoring of the points raised White is the director of Alpha And then you go off on how he hasnt proven James Whites innocence. Firstly, Dr. Whites site is a bit behind the times technologically and does not have the ability for comments to be added. Quite liberating, actually. It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers.. Mike, Ive used gallows humor myself. How can something I can *touch* penetrate into my soul? I havent listened to him. Its hilarious that you feel that facts from the debate is irrelevant when, actually, it is the very heart of the matter! put such a harsh light on the historic abuses of Rome It is not easy, therefore, to expose the fallacy by which a false classification is created to swamp a unique thing, when it really is a unique thing. Here is a compilation of some of the best alpha omega tattoos: Jamie has over 10 years experience as both a journalist and professional tattooist, working for some of the biggest brands in the UK. Hence human testimony concerning inspiration is based, at best, on the testimony of one person who is, naturally speaking, an interested party in the matter concerning which he testifies It is true that miracles and prophecy may, at times, confirm such human testimony as to the inspiration of a work. Esau, Bring whatever has bitten you and your family to the Lord and He will provide answers to your questions about authority. You have your own doctrines? Well, then. . Might be time for some kind of update to these. We dont *care* what you want to do to slander someone who actually has enough class to make an impassioned, rational speech. Christ did not choose only one disciple. Those to Whom they personally Handed down they Faith and their Authority? As for the rest of the portion, I basically agree with the rest of the logic, but as others have pointed out, the overarching problem with Mr. Whites entire argument stems from the question HOW? Bingo, Francis 03. I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. ITS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH/CATHOLIC ANSWERS/JIMMY AKIN RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL ALONG!!! For example, when Jimmy Akin has stated something incorrectly on a post, youll still find the original statement he made there and that it had only been redlined out (so-to-speak) with the appropriate corrected statement featured above the original one. Are you a disciple? To say that God would place such an error at the heart of His revelation is to say that He asks us to place our reason aside and assume that He does not play by logical rules. You are assuming that Catholic Answers is *stupid* and that is frankly offensive. in order to be saved. Sorry, Im not dead set on assuming the conclusion that they were wrong when I dont find them wrong in the first place. The third is that both have slung mud. Let is speak for itself. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Seminary). If James Whites position is so biblical what is is he hiding behind? At some point the one who turns the other cheek wins. He has been married for more than thirty-six years and has two children and four grandchildren. AOMIN App Which is it? Alpha and omega are the first and last Greek letters, respectively, having meanings associated with philosophy and Christianity. Since the Witnesses are heading back out and going door to door, lets be ready! Call it a red herring, jumping the shark, ad hominum (where the hominum is the Body of Christ), or what have you. Since this is going nowhere, Im outta here. White also ignores that God has always worked incarnationally, (the scripture recounts that) that Scripture mediates the authority through the Church and her overseers (bishops). Given the evidence I see, so far, and without assuming a lack of charity on anyones part, this is how I would analyze Dr. Whites his attempt at humor: It is a classic example of a joke which is cognitively dissonant to a Catholic readership it has the form of a joke, but not its manner, for that audience. Correlation B. Astronomical Data 1. Posted by: Foxfier | Aug 14, 2007 1:10:05 PM 1) Constantine Simonides claimed that he wrote the document based on collating pre-existing manuscripts, and that his uncle corrected the document. He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. Very insightfully put, Matthew. Sheesh. I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. This was one of the hardest parts for me in my conversion. I surmised that much. I would hope that even those who agree with White philosophically and even were previously fans of his based on the similarity of his ideas to theirs, and also for the sake of fairness also we who disagree with him on these larger issues, will be able to separate the sin from the sinner and from the message, not lumping all automatically as bad or good. 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