The old team are the best Mick, Phil, Tony et al.. think Channel 4 have made a HUGE mistake bet they wont listen to the public.. I really loved the show and learned so much. Changing all the staff behind Time Team was a big mistake, but ending it is even bigger. Totally gutted Time Team is going. How amazing to see the history of England being unearthed. However BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a state-owned institution from inter-war origins. I have watched the episode from Barra several times. I would also back the idea that rural people have the most interest as they can see the landscape every day and the changes on it. Its our favoite show. Some of the regulars have retired, some have moved on to other things, a few have departed for Tr nan g or the Field of Reeds. Poor. Faced with the loss of a stalwart the production team then proceed to sideline the other star of the show Phil Harding for most of the airtime, and we get all that Chief Investigator nonsense, coupled with the bright young things who were the televisual equivolent of the black death for the programme. Re-assemble the team ! She completely ruined it, and led to Mick Aston walking out on the show. But its also the fact that they didnt just impart accumulated knowledge, they made new discoveries as we watched. I agree. Im sorry to see that TT is folding though. Quod erat demonstrandum. I had to think about it before I realized what he meant. Gutted that Time Team has ended! Like others I would like to see somebody else either bringing it back or developing the format. This is in no doubt as a direct result of the post production. I have watched Time Team over the years. Geake with Stewart Ainsworth while filming an episode of Time Team in 2007 She first worked for Time Team in 1998 as a digger, and took part occasionally thereafter as an Anglo-Saxon specialist. Not on the Live I dug at. Sad days. Please bring it back with all the original cast the new ones where good but I preferred the old cast and format. Yes very sorry to see TT go, Sky at night still going both are just as important to us here on Earth and I think it will be missed in the future though the recordings are still available to evertbody but the forum is lost, Grrrr channel 4. She studied at University College London and University of York, specialising in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries. Many of us have watched Time Team for ages and have been educated (along with Tony) on the ins and outs of Archaeology and did not need another presenter to ask superfluous questions (nice though she was). We are headed to the UK in May from the US to see some of the TT sites. Weve also done the landscapes around them, so if you want additional information then the Time Team reports contain that.. Harold Bush is lying. He trained as a surveyor before entering the archaeology section of the Ordnance Survey. too, although not often. Perhaps one of the other channels will see the folly of C4s ways and pick up the program before its too late? I agree entirely. How about a petition to Channel 4 demanding its continuation? Its a wonder one isnt constantly tripping over roman floor tiles and Anglo-Saxon wine jugs every time one steps out of ones door. I was glued to the screen.. Thankyou for what we have ! So apart from discovering the female cleavage (along with Kleenex tissues) looking for Saxon pottery designed to hold bovine waste, expanding your knowledge of Saxon tea services as well as teaching both Vivian Westwood and Tony & Guy a thing or twowhat other skills have you learned since watching Time Team? Time Teams status as a staple of the television schedule also wrought changes behind the scenes. Judged a misfire by Channel 4, it could have been the end. It follows so much what has been prevallent in recent years on Brittish TV and thats dumbing down. Please ressurect it someone soon. I never felt patronized and certainly never notice Tony Robinson sermonizing about global warming. I have been planning to return for several years now for a holiday and to catch up with friends and relatives. I am 81 & have watched & enjoyed TT for many years. That has gone now, so im going to just have to watch all the reruns on Discovery history ( and there are quite a few of them) and be happy. What are you going to replace it with? Perhaps in gthe future we may have a project for a future Time Team, Channel 4 where did it all go wrong? Their presentation skills are very good indeed and could develop even more if the programme continued (not with Channel 4 please); eg Tracey, Jimmy, Susannah, not to mention Raksha, Matt, Paul, Helen, John and Stuart, all of whom are young enough to take over from the elder statesmen who could still guest if they do choose to retire one day! With 1.5 million views a month on the Time Team Classics YouTube channel in 41 countries worldwide, the new programs will premiere on YouTube, with additional behind-the-scenes content on the platform Patreon. Ive binge watched Time Team on YouTube and up to S17. IT WILL WORK, IT WILL BE SUPPORTED. I enjoy his style of presentation. My grandson is a budding archeologist and watches it over and over again. Especially ones which dig a site. Sounds as though short sighted suits are at work. I will have to content myself with watching the 4OD repeats for ever now. However, as a viewer I hugely enjoyed the opportunity to share in the Teams excitement. VALE Time Team, a wonderful Viking/ Roman pyre is burning and we are drinking ourselves to oblivion. !I have just retired and it would be perfect NOW. Mick mentioned that he had recently missed a train and, having a couple of hours to kill, decided to explore. And to lose Mick Aston well, that was it for us. I agree Shiela, a long read but entertaining, and an indication of TTs popularity. Ive learnt so much and enjoying every minuteo. Regarding Time Team's potential return, which was realised in 2022 after an eight-year hiatus, Ainsworth said: "Time Team has probably been one of the biggest things that has happened to archaeology for many years to make archaeology and history accessible, and we need to keep that profile going whatever way we can. And now it has been pulled, left to the re-marketing of DVD, and the Internet. I am a mega fan of the show. Their participation and enthusiasm clear for all to see. Mick, and Phil, and even Tony all made a significant contribution to our understanding archaeology and they way in which it can inform us of our past. As a teacher of Ancient and Modern History in Australia, I found the T.T programs a wonderful way to back up the various topics I taught. TV is a wasteland and TT was an oasis in it. There can be little doubt that part of the shows early success stems from the audience warming to the groups genuine passion for teasing out the past. Despite their varied talents and backgrounds it quickly became apparent that the team had a natural chemistry. This has been one of our few favourite programs; not only has it been informative, but it has been entertaining in the best-possible sense. I was devastated to hear of the demise of this wonderful programme, but once they made the decision to bring in the awful Mary Ann Ochota as a co-presenter, the programme was doomed. The big step-change in output came between series 5 and 6 in 1998 and 1999 when the annual number of episodes leapt from 8 to 13. While Time Team unquestionably experienced problems, particularly in its final years, this much-loved show was an astonishing success, propelling modern archaeology into the public conscious as never before. Its brilliant and helps this Singapore based Brit to feel less far away. Yet despite bringing the past to life using the familiar ingredients of excavation, landscape survey and reconstructions including Phil felling a tree with a flint axe Timesigns is a very different beast. Inspiring stuff. I still enjoy my archaeology despite my age not being able to take part in the reality. Thank you, Time Team!!! Toni Victoria australia. Such speed was certainly not ideally suited to showcase all of the techniques available to modern archaeologists. There is more than enough rubbish shown on tv so why axe a good item that entertains, explains and raises more questions. It may also be heresy to say so, but I think many people who were interested more in the archaeology than the banter, found the relationship between Phil and Tony, to be past its sell by date. Perhaps we can come up with a crew of our own with Ronald Hutton replacing Tony Robinson and I do know of a great film crew that would take up the filming. Oh! Sounds ageism to me, isnt that against the law now? It is practically unheard of for a factual, specialist programme to spend two decades as the public face of its subject and become a national institution along the way. Completely unable to absorb and assimilate well presented information in an entertaining style, and you completely misread the ironic style of Tony Robinson. Here in NZ we are only now starting Series 19,in Bitterly, at present. It used to be on in the early evening at a specific time every week, but in recent years it has been moved to late afternoon with the start time changing by 5, 10, 15 minutes over the weeks making watching and even recording it more problematic. While the allure of such sites created a powerful television spectacle, it also marked a move away from the programmes humble local archaeology origins. I cannot understand why you are axing it!!? It led to an appreciation of just how much information could be quickly gleaned from comparatively modest trenching. And anyway, why would we want Channel 4 to keep TT? Tony Robinson, global warming? Mick the Dig joined Time Team early on as our resident excavation supervisor and was personally responsible for Time Team's biggest ever hole - at Blaenavon, Wales (an honour that looks unlikely to be beaten any time soon!). The programme has no need for eye candy, no need to try to attract yuppies: archaeology is like genealogy interest grows (although not exclusively) with age. The onscreen introduction of team members and their specialist skills was a hangover from a time when participants would have varied from week to week, rather than coalescing into a core group. I hate that its producers felt the need to change its face to meet the modern idea of glamour! I have four sons we have been Time Team fans for years. look forward to some more american rubbish or more twits in big brother type of rubbish. But thanks guys and I am pretty sure that someone somewhere will pick up the baton. In 224 digs, Time Team revolutionised the presentation of archaeology on TV (which before had focussed largely on the Classical world), bringing Britain's heritage into our front rooms - and, in the early series, into our back gardens. and the entire bunch breathed fresh life into the sometimes boring subject of Archaeology. Without Mick Aston it will not be the same, but as such it will be a fitting tribute to a great forward thinking man. Close. Years earlier, Sir Mortimer Wheeler did some Archaeology pgms on TV and they were always popular. Just watched a poor programme on Brancaster digfull of errors and poor production. Six years after the last 'three days dig' was aired, the series is unstoppably popular on youtube. What lies under the ground of the countrys past. INCREDIBLE ! A relative alerted us to Time Team husband and I were long term enthusiasts. He said: The time had come to leave. Excellent show. Were currently watching the series (2012?) if thereis any justice in the world they shoud change there minds.TONY MICK PHIL STEWART JOHN MAT RAKSHA BRIGID CARENZA TO MENTION a few. Refreshing to see non-Brits find our history/heritage of great interest. 32. Now British television can be as dumbed down and offensive as American television has become. One of our students is well into his 70s, hes been in the field with us both on our formal field school and in a volunteering capacity. All I can tell u is that I was hooked. Very very sad. NON of these corporations do they think we are all idiots who will do as they as told like little children in school!!!!! A good friend of mine was a guest archaeologist on several T.T programmes and it was my good fortune to go along on production. He is president of the Friends of Epiacum, also known as Whitley Castle, the Roman fort on the southern edge of Northumberland which he has surveyed and studied in depth. Arrr! A great series, I still watch old repeats and will enjoy them for a long time. There are some of us who actually enjoy watching interesting, factual, historic programs. if only someone could afford too get all thecast back and go on channel 2 or 5 any ware but not on 4 .. who ever made up there minds to get rid off TT I HOPE there bosses can see the error they are makeing.very sad to see it go. The roman barge in Utrect was particularly interesting and my son in Holland wished to see it. Team Team gang were so funny with their understanding of each other and professional approach to their subject, their knowledge of it all and portrayal to the audience was so entertaining, and Tony added an open view to a usually flat subject, with his level headed approach to academics and gave it life. This has to be one of the biggest tragedies of modern television times. (all good things must come to an end). Time team is currently repeated on more-4 each midweek day and sometimes Saturdays, but I still miss fresh episodes and the original presenters and everyone should put pressure on c4 for more episodes even if it were one a month ! Archaeologists from Wessex Archaeology, working in advance of HS2 construction, have been excavating the site for the past three years. The fact that TT was the only programme I regularly watched on Channel 4 I am very sad to see it go. Struck by how much could be learnt in a few hours, Tim wondered what could be achieved in a few days. My 100year old mother started,me on T.T.years ago & in turn my children and now the grandchildren watch ,ask questions and research . He said: We were very sorry to see Mick go, and he leaves an extraordinary legacy. The explanation for the end of Time Team is that the people who run Channel 4 are all about 12 years old. C4 what are you doing timeteam is a great show now u r going to put more rubbish on like big brother I know it not on your channel no more what a shame timeteam will b missed go on bbc take it on, Timeteam what a great show now we got to put up with shows like splash and x factor what is going on with tv now god help. Jim describes this miscalculation as a death blow, which cost the show almost all of its behind the scenes staff. I have always wondered what happens to all the dirt that the Time Team dig out of their sites after the 3 days of digging? Thats fairly unusual.. Not that I want to live there though am quite happy to be an Australian. these idiots decide to change it.i hope they are happy boring peaple.please bring it back. I have enjoyed Tony Robinsons commentaries. We also miss Stuart very much. TT has inspired me to take up the challenge of retraining at the age of 67 for a second career in Heritage and Museum studies. I watch any that come on now.. saw one yesterday about the digging our of the 2 world war planes in the bogs.. I cannot believe that Mick Aston has died, so very young, I thought he would go on forever. His Uncle, my brother, has to dig up a dig with him when he comes on holiday and he is in there like a professional. He was an outstanding presenter for the show. I love a list and now I can tick off which ones Ive seen in a suitably anal fashion. and use my iPad to follow through my own enquirers. I know we have no Roman history, but there are thousands of of places that date back thousands of years. irritating but he was a part of a recipe that worked for a long time. Mick Aston was a remarkable person intelligent and well informed but still able to get complicated concepts across in an way that was accessible to all. Time Team - Helen Geake Helen Geake Small Finds Specialist and Anglo-Saxon Expert Helen's interest in archaeology was sparked partly by attending lecturers by Time Team's Mick. You can never run out of history in Britain. But in this, as in so many other ways, Time Team bucks the trend. The site is of national importance and we couldnt hope for a better team to help uncover its secrets., Time Teams return has had the backing of many celebrity fans, from Sir Michael Morpurgo and Bernard Cornwell to Philippa Gregory, Kate Mosse and Ken Follett. 2023 CURRENT PUBLISHING LTD - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I love time team because it is filled with such enthusiasm and love for its subject. Enjoyed Tony and the whole crew, felt like u were part of the dig and part of the crew, they were all like family. Carenzas missing as is Helen, I see Mick walked out as I also presume Stewart has too. Ive watched TT since it began & never missed an episode, I was in the 20s age group that they are now trying to attract when it started. Sir Tony can do no wrong with me. Chronicle. i believe everything has a lifespan, and that must include television shows. John Gater, Francis Pryor, Stewart Ainsworth, and Phil Harding. Not everyone takes change happily., The comments below have not been moderated, By Geophysics gives you that instant picture you can then evaluate. Stewart Ainswort. Try local volunteering opportunities, if you can still get out in the garden and walk and talk and are willing to learn then it will be great, and you will make lots of new friends of all ages. All the others as far back as 1828 from Ireland and Scotland. Lee. Have only just found out that Time Team has been axed after 20 years and I am gutted. Disgusted, Mick walked out, explaining later For some reason they didnt think oh, wed better run that past Mick. Hes the archaeological consultant, he might have an opinion about that (see CA 271). Tony used the rest of the Teams expertise to bring to life what was often regarded as a crusty subject before Time Teams arrival. Apart from the marvellous people who made up the Time Team over the years, the way they used the magic of television to highlight features of the dig, overlay geophys visualisations onto the site, extend a fragment of a pot into a full representation, and so on, made this program an exemplar of how to produce truly educational television; and the way the passion of the Team members and their expertise was allowed to shine, coupled with a witty front man, showed that educational does not have to mean dull or dumbed down. It has taught and shown me so much, I have a wonderful interest in archaeology thanks to this show, and loved hearing and seeing our past. Time Team's Stewart Ainsworth on How To See Time In The Landscape. Maybe it will work with time team too. C4, please bring back the previous and successful formatting of Time Team. paleo-osteology, finds experts, experts in the Bronze Age or Rome I am as raptured as Phil squatting in a newly opened trench exclaiming, Oooh! It would be remiss of me not to mention that I was so sorry to read of the passing of Mick Aston. the only programmes on t v seems to me rubbish what are all the staff going to do as they have been on the show for so long. We totally agree with Nick Robinson, we too will be enjoying repeats and cursing Channel 4!. I love archeology, and it was so educational seeing how it is done. certainly helped to fill a lot of university places, even if many of those gaining degrees have gone on to other careers. This did happen in fact, but the show kept going with Mick Aston and (Sir) Tony Robinson always at the helm. I loved every minute of it. I have been fascinated by archaeology since reading Golden Books Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations, at the age of nine, but only recently stumbled across TIME TEAM quite by accident one night. It is obvious to me that they were always working on their format and that Tony was the TV guy while the others were the science folks. After a career as a professional geologist I researched for a PhD at the Palace of Knossos on Crete. How many programmes can a entertain a whole family at the same time, not many. What Time Team once was in the beginning will never be reproduced. Thanks for the many years of wonderful, intelligent, entertainment Time Team, we will really miss you. Yes please BBC4 or anyone sensible Time Team will always be popular if you listen to Tony (yes I am a fan) Mick and Phil and Helen (yes I am an even bigger fan of these guys). I hope that someone has the sense to resorect TT even if it is repeated from the beginning. Have a look again at the programme where Phils DNA results come in and watch Tonys reaction. My enduring memory of Tony Robinson during Time Team filming is him spending several hours of every day asleep in a massive American car with the engine running. I enjoy watching this program on my computer(I never knew about it 10 years ago because we have so many garbage programs here on US television, they did not show it here.). Usually clad in a loud jumper, with his white hair blowing in the wind, Professor Aston was the shows site director who chose where to dig for the next historical discovery. Good job I have the internet to log onto. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 20 years is a great run for any show on TV. Weve been able to order some DVDs from Australia, but we have missed many of the series since we moved here, and there is no way to watch them online. As Francis Pryor observed on his blog, in many ways the real question is what went right?. We will miss his humour, his knowledge and his warmth. []. And key graphic purporting to show the significant shift in building alignments between two phases did not actually do that but simply repeated the original layout! Vale Time Team, you will be missed. i never knew the show existed until last year 2021. any chance for reunions and a chance to interact as like conventions do here in the usa? Season 1, aired in 1994, had four episodes, while season 2 followed with five, and season 3 boasted six. All the repeats are still amazing, I also watch ime team every day without fail. Ive got to say I think he handled the shows well. You should be ashamed of yourselves, especially the way you have treated Mick Aston after all those years of dedicated service. Sir Tony Robinson, who is an honorary patron, says: I was delighted to hear about the plans for the next chapter in Time Teams story. Im sure it was meant to interest younger viewers in Archeology, a noble enough concept. we dont want more programmes that is rubbish there is more than i could even say. The easy familiarity between the people on the programs has been such a contrast to the egos and prima donna attitudes you see in so many other programs. Do specials instead of a series. I was so sad to find out that it is finishedCould we bring it back? I am an ex water board worker and I still don t know where they obtained the patience to go into a hole in the ground and dig with a trowel. My politics are not Tony Robinsons or Mick Astons, but both deserve warm congratulations for what they did for archaeology and viewers over two decades.Tony Robinson seems to be largely responsible for the successful populist formula, the zest and the humourand the succinct resumes to stop viewers getting flummoxed., He deserves a knighthood but presumably he would just wrinkle his nose. Thanks to you all. Sorry I dont know how to do this! Agree 100%, they should have left it well alone. Stewart Ainsworth FSA, MCIfA is a British archaeological investigator who is regularly seen on Time Team the Channel 4 archaeological television series he joined in 1995. Yes,he was often guilty of playing the devils advocate, but at such times he was the voice of many of us upon listening to yet another gigantic leap of hastily constructed faith or explanation of purpose for the sake of the less informed viewing massive. They were digging Roman ruins in someones back garden and explaining in detail what they were doing and what it told them hooked then and there. The implementation of Planning Policy Guidance 16 in 1990 enshrined archaeology within the development process and paved the way for todays professional units. I always look forward to it when I get chance and to know that it is finishing is both shocking and disappointing. Interesting, in these days where we (oldies) are not responding to adverts as much as the supposed young and affluent to think of alternative crowd-sourcing models for financing programs that we like. Thank you to everyone who made this such a wonderful programme. Many of my friends would love to travel to the UK because of shows like Time Team and Escape to the country. Very sad to hear Time Team is ending. RIP Channel 4. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. We only recently discovered the Time Team show and rush to ensure we dont miss a show. I now look forward to watching as many individual shows as I can in the future. I love Time Team and regularly binge watch have seen many episodes several times. There is a petition already, on Facebook, which is not the ideal place. Teatime 26: Stewart Ainsworth - Return to Nevis 14,215 views Premiered Oct 11, 2020 Time Team Teatime: Session 26 - As Black History Month continues in the UK, we catch up with Stewart. i record all the T T i can i have brought T t dvd. although a WONDERFUL outlet for the undoubted heroes, is not archaeology and not what I feel Time Team needs. Tags: Its sad to see another worthwhile educational program going by the wayside. (and its cost increases). Sad that time team is no longer , they should go back to how it all started , dont mess with what is ok . That they were able to achieve what very few others were able to achieve and give a thirst to the man-in-the-street in what could be classed as a dry subject only adds weight to what they were able to achieve in such a fantastic way. Robinson has been a superb presenter and long may he continue on historical based series . 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