: Since,EVERY-CITIZENIS,STILL-participatingwith theirBIRTH-CERTIFICATEin the structuring with every construct of their lives, Such as theirschooling, drivers-license, passport, social-security, businesses, wills, [re]tirement-funds, homes, courts &: banks,CAUSING-OWN-HARVEST &: PEOPLES-SLAVERYin ourGreat-Land. Looking Closer At The Sudden Deaths of Several Holistic Doctors & the GcMAF/Nagalase & Cancer/Autism & Vaccine Connections, Global Depopulation Genocide/United Nations Policy, Cassandra, Citizen Journalist Contents Page, CIA Extraordinary Rendition Victim: Khaled El-Masris Statement, Free PDF books/articles/reports to download for further research, On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 26 June 2019: The Continued DEADLY Silence of Journalists on Electronic Warfare used for Torture, Mind Control, and Bio-Hacking and Tracking of Knowingly Innocent Civilians in Western Democratic Countries and Worldwide, Tortured: When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things versus Murder-For-Profit Club Coined by NSA Whistle Blower Karen Melton-Stewart, Strictly Secret: A Shocking Story of Intellectual Property Theft, a High Court Landmark Victory, The Vexatious Pursuit To Scrub Court Records, and a Public Cover-Up to Defame and Gas Light Charles Seven, Dr Millicent Black: Letter Regarding Use of Psychotronic Weapons, Dr Millicent Black: Writing Effective Affidavits, Dr Millicent Black: Court House Filings Including Unclassified Documents 1st March 2012, Dr Millicent Black: Court House Filing 2018 Letters to Public Officials, Dr Millicent Black: Letter to PD, Government, and DA, 2018, Dr Millicent Black: Fitbit Report on Sleep Stages under SERE Torture, Dr Millicent Black: Heart Rate Reports under SERE Torture, Dr Millicent Black: Certified Mailing and Proof of Delivery, Dr Millicent Black: Photos of SERE Torture & Physical Abuse, Dr Millicent Black: Temporary Order of Protection Paperwork, Dr Millicent Black: Salim et al., vs Mitchell & Jessen Torture Complaint, Dr Millicent Black: Letter from Rumsfeld to President Bush Lynndie England Torture Murder of a Detainee 2005, Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers, Ville Hellberg | Rendition Flights, Anyone? Clever, huh? Will we be excluded from life (flying, working, driving ect. Im 74 and Ike was the first President I knew about. FOR THE UP-COMING: PERFORMANCES, STATE-SIDE, DUTIES . A site to get info, take action, make change happen, Breaking News: :Russell-Jay: Gould Announces He is Coming Forward as Postmaster-General-of-the-World, Commander-in-Chief, & Chief-Judge-of-the-Supreme-Court, in Correctness, This 2020 Election. And, that was just the beginning of the creeping parasitism that found a way to back slither across the Atlantic from the old continent to the would-be New Atlantis of Sir Francis Bacons dreams. I went in an in-depth study on the banking the postal and the military and court mechanics and I applied them as I as I went into many courtroom battles for myself. Chief disqualified the Geneva Convention and MANY OTHER ORGANIZATIONS, therefore we cannot accept ID cards as identification, and no associations with these organizations for your Claim-contract will be honored. Enter Russell-Jay:Gould, who claims to have invented and copyrighted the Quantum Banking System which the much rumored Quantum Financial System is evidently based upon. Will stream here also at the Livestream Page. He can and will do that, which is why he signed what the FRAUDS submitted without a fight. To sign up for the newsletter and learn quantum-grammar, please visit the :Quantum-Community website: forthequantum. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you! : . Those of you listening to this transmission will know what that means. He went toe to toe with them, beating them in their courtrooms and on contract. Russell figured out the secrets to capturing the Title 4 Flag of America. In the Name of Psychiatric or Physical Therapy Are Highly Questionable Projects Being Run Experimentally on People? Now you got to remember the United States Supreme Court can only give you an opinion - they cannot give you a fact - no Law or Facts should be tried in court - what that is, is you . Fit into the world where everyone had no clue about anything but the Im afraid for whats going to happen to you. The one coin to contain them all! Publicado en 14 Sep 2020 / En Noticias y Poltica. [Episode 108: How Grammar Can Save HumanityThe Free America Podcast Published October 2, 2022https://rumble.com/v1mfo1q-episode-108-how-grammar-can-save-huma. The Gilded Age 's true story inspiration, Jay Gould, was not only a ruthless robber baron, but was also a devoted family man, despite the powerful, rich Astor family looking down on them. Sincerely. Ive wore many hats; as a logistical, mobilization specialist, ISR Program Manager and strategic planner. : Hero of Our Planet: Truth-Wins. His heart restarted spontaneously while outside his body during autopsy. Most people who follow Trump and Q already have heard about you! : Russell-Jay: Gould. (jef), (ps) Download PDF For thisCLAIM-LIFE-BIRTH-CONTRACTin thisNativity-PositionISwith thenew-structuringof yourlifes-contractswith theschooling, drivers-license, passport, social-security, businesses, wills, [re]tirement-funds, homes, courts &: banksof eachchild, woman, man &: Citizenwith thisSELF-GOVERNING &: CITIZENS-CONTROL in our Great-Land. #414: Russell-Jay: Gould, Post-Master-General of The World, Chief-Judge-of-the-Supreme-Court, Federal-Postal-Judge, and Creator of the Quantum Banking System? :Rachel-Dara: Prince, Filmmaker, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould For a Documentary Film, :Last-Flag-Standing, Documentary Film | Released August 21, 2020, The Winifred Adams Show: A Series With Commander-in-Chief :Russell-Jay: Gould, Winifred Adams, Making Life Brighter/Youtube Interviews, Special Episode, Comptroller of the Global-Currency and Postmaster-General, :Russell-Jay:Gould, May 27, 2020, We the People, with :Russell-Jay: Gould, May 19, 2020, Commander Gould Coming Forward to Lead Now,May 19, 2020, Radio Episodes, Archives, Winifred Adams series with :Russell-Jay: Gould at Voice America. I conducted the worlds largest court marshaling at the Washington obelisk in Washington DC every 45 days for four years, where I conducted numerous trials with 20 to 50 video cameras on me at all time with their microphones, with a Chinook and Apache helicopter sometimes above my head with their cameras out with their guns looking at me. David and I rewrote that construct on August 12, 1999 at the United Nations but we had to wait till the United States came out of bankruptcy in 1999 to file it at the post office in Washington DC. Pro se plaintiffs Dennis D. Miller, Gladys C. Miller and Russell Jay Gould (collectively "plaintiffs") filed the above-captioned complaint against Wayne Savings & Loan Company ("defendant"). Comptroller of the Global-Currency and Postmaster-General, :Russell-Jay:Gould. This is not a civil war against the people. : Hero of Our Planet: Truth-Wins. Published on 14 Sep 2020 / In News and Politics. Email: Monday, August 31, 2020 at 3:41 AM: Russell-Jay: Gould Press Liaison/Videographer/Secretary wrote: "Aho: AUSTRALIA-TRIBAL-LEADERS, NEW-ZEALAND-TRIBAL-LEADERS, : Cause of the Timing with the Up-Coming-POLITICAL-CONCERNS in the States, POSTMASTER-GENERAL OF OUR WORLD: Russell-Jay: Gould IS with the Pushing-Schedule-Back on his Travels. We understand that the majority of the world's people do not comprehend what quantum-language is, let alone its significance, importance and power. Tomorrow, Foster Gamble of Thrive project fame will have a conversation with George Wentz, about the latter's renewable energy incubator. This growing awareness, currently centered in the US, has much to do with behind-the-scenes work in recent decades by Russell-Jay:Gould and Anna von Reitz. 417 followers. Posted here & at all channels: Newswatch Live 3. Thanks for the positive vibes your sending all over the world. Hasn't been a clue that someone Book pages shown below are from the book, "Voyagers: Secrets of Amenti" by Ashayana DeaneReady for some Prime Directive word game fun? He is also recognized by the US Navy, Supreme Court and Postal Service. Following this, he said his IQ became 200, his endorphin levels were six times normal, and he stopped aging. [8] [9] Just when you thought the COVID craziness - including inverted "facts" and "fact checkers" and criminally insane governments and We know the COVID injections are setting up long-term AIDS like chronic auto-immune conditions by disabling the immune system via the mRNA spike protein Kim Goguen aka: "Kim Possible" has an incredible tale regarding what she claims as her role in our world. Vicious Lies, Libel, Inversions, Character-Assassination: Is Karen Stewart a TI Leader or a Covert Fusion Center Operative? #36290, susan j. hendrick, attorney reg. Fun, huh? Heres Russells Last Flag Standing video and, below it, transcript excerpts. Report 295 | Michelle Ford/California Assembly on Restoring Your Status as American on Land & Soil | At Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee | Rumble| Posted Sep 25, 2022, REPORT 294 | CHRISTOPHER BERTOLINO REPORTS NON-CONSENSUAL BRAIN EXPERIMENTATION, EMF/NEUROTECH ABUSE | At Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee | Rumble | Posted Sep 22, 2022, Report 293 | Dr. Felipe Reitz Reveals Clotting, Graphene, Immuno-Compromise in Vaccinated Blood/ At all channels/Sep 17, 2022, Report 292 | Anna von Reitz & Teri Kealoha Sahm | Update on American State Assemblies & the US Raj | At all channels | Sep 14, 2022, Newsbreak 157 | Historic Move: US Military, UN, NATO, NSF, WHO Ordered to Halt Geoengineering and Aerosol Crimes by the Connecticut Assembly | At all channels | Sep 10, 2022, Newsbreak 156 | James Roguski Calls All To Make a Video to Stop WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Fascism, Report 290 | Dissidents Essay Author Reports LE, Judicial System Crime & Corruption Nationwide | September 1, 2022 | At all channels, News Report 10: FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Reports Quasi Criminal Justice System Using DEWs/Neurotech on People. I have Cosmic and Majestics securities clearance codes here too but I am not going to give those on-air., Anticipating Chaos & Confusion: Truth Wins, Anticipating that the 2020 elections will be attended by chaos and subsequent litigation by the court system to confuse the people, :Russell-Jay: Gould emotionally assures America and the world that he is now here, and prepared to safeguard this country, safeguard the people, and safeguard correctness, because Truth wins., First Step in the Quantum-Banking-System is Live-Life-Claims. : Russell-Jay: Gould's-CHANNEL. Notable out-take "We had a patient that tested positive for COVID. News of Harm: Humanity in Crisis as Those Targeted Non-Consensually Reporting Being Held Within AI MK Ultra & Pain Research Projects are Possibly Being Used in Martyrdom & Forms of Brain/Heart/Soul Harvesting, Imagined Prospects of Present and Future in Advanced Computing, Cognitive Computing, Pervasive Computing, Where Hive Minds, Dimensions, Witchcraft, and Technology Collide: Supercomputer Soundings and Voices, Not Really Voices in Heads, A New World Where Every Thought Counts: Transcending Nano Quantum Chaos with Heart, Ramola D Reports | Newsbreak 160: Stopping the WHOs Secret Private IHR Controls from Publicly Bullying Governments | James Roguski, SGT Report/The Corporate Propaganda Antidote, Unredacted, The National Security Archive, GWU, International Tribunal for Natural Justice, The Peace Team/Citizens United, the movie. . I am :Judith-Miriam: Loader. Gwen Caldwells Interview with :Russell-Jay: Gould, Episode 5Interview 1 with :Russell-Jay: Gould, Episode 6Interview 2 with :Russell-Jay: Gould, Rex Bear, The Leak Project, Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould, Russell Jay Gould On 9/11 Truth, Gold Standard and Monoatomic Elements (ORMUS, Russell Jay Gould On Interpol, The Hague, Benjamin Franklin and Global Economic Reset, Evidence of Panicked Shadowbanning & Numbers-Fraud on my WordPress Media Site Post Publication of Report 298 (US Dollar Gold-Backed by American Govt): Subscriber Figures Plunge, Building a Narrative: Insight into False-Reality-Constructs & Fusion Center Smear Operations from the Section 12 Lady & Family Next Door, Repeat Abuse from the Section 12 Lady Next Door, Using Her Entire Family This Time, FOIA Request Report: Red Herring Response from Department of Mental Health, Massachusetts to Avoid Addressing Covert Hand in Unlawful Psych Kidnap of American Author & State National Journalist, FOIA Request Report: City of Quincy Holds a Partially Undisclosed Contract with Brewster Ambulance Services, Complicit in Recent Unlawful Psych Hold on Journalist Exposing Covert Operations in Quincy & World, The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What Its Really Brought To Light |, The Richie Allen Show Thursday May 5th 2022. I would love to spread the news about your existence to everyone I know. Russell Joshua Ford. Signed by Judge B. Lynn Winmill. He files the flag as the Postmaster General for the United States, and the new Postmaster General of the world. With quantum-grammar, :Russell-jay: Gould is offering to help people obtain their rightful shares; he is very busy but can be contacted via his web site: Finally, :Russell-jay: Gould cautions countries against war and suggests he can be consulted to settle any disputes, while reminding all that people are out there teaching quantum-grammar who U said that couldnt happen. :Nigesti: Abraham Interviews :Russell-Jay: Gould, : Russell-Jay : Gould is with the sharing of the [im]portant-formation with the Nigesti: Aubraham., May 1, 2020. You can read that thread here: - Twitter thread by LadyQanuck @LadyQanuck - Rattibha . 0. We are going to move forward with our own funding. The British crown, City of London and Vatican quietly moved in for another major round of fun and games. You can help keep people "Safe" and "Responsible" by herding them into extermination Repeat after me, "It's NOT a vaccine! Exploring The FBIs Consensual Monitoring and the CIAs Concealed Monitoring: One-Party Consent to Electronic Recordings and Non-Consensual Two-Way Radio Implant Communications? "precluded from filing, without prior leave of this Court, . IT SEEMS AS THOUGH THE Q MILITARY PLAN IS BEING EXECUTED AND THE CABAL AND AFFILIATES ARE BEING DEALT WITH DO UOU HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF SAID EVENTS? Ep. For those whove studied his claims in depth, the answer appears to befact. opinion. Decisions are also reproduced on AustLii. Anyone that tries to counter this Government is ultimately dealt with. I have many Questions about the claim of life and how this helps us So, you fell for "Juan O. 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