My boyfriend was a loner but when he made an effort to date me, he knew exactly what respect and proper behavior was. It's not that we can't go out, we J. don't want to. But my husband trusts M.. Over time the concern faded as I learned to trust her and she never violated that trust. Did he actually love me? Don't make the same mistake I did. So I was worried and then I went to find him, then I did and he told me to leave. Would you or should I be bothered by the fact that she seems to want to go there without me? Plus it's annoying for the fellas to have that one guy who's always checking in. Do I end things? Its putting trust into the OTHER person. He helped make me feel comfortable in gay nightlife and, eventually by extension, being gay in everyday life. agreywood 7 yr. ago Am I nuts? They said yes without question. We J. like to know where the other one is, more for safety than out of paranoia or concerns of cheating. Started Friday at 03:52 AM, By 1. They are in a long distance relationship and that's not about sitting at home, missing and texting each other 24/7, gosh. If he's out with the guys, I want to know exactly where he is in case anything happens. Now I don't know how he would feel or a possible future boyfriend would feel. So I dont think there would be problems. Sorry - J. reality in my world - you haven't made a LIFETIME commitment to your boyfriend - hence the fact he is bf and not dh. I go with the women, some bring husbands and there are occasionally some of thier male friends that wander in. I'm a very sporadic patron of this bar. Am I being gas lighted? Norris says he started learning about this revolutionary new method when he noticed most of the supplements he was taking did little or nothing to support his health. Night after Friday night, he'd ask about my week, make jokes with me during lulls in the bar rush, and never charge me for my vodka buzz. This is emotionally manipulative behavior. Ziff Davis, LLC BBB Business Review. No, again, that's weird and the main goal here is not to be weird. They might give M. a hug, but that's where it ends. Just stop expecting him to be your boyfriend. I trust him, too. At first i let him do it until thats all he would do and i barely got to spend time with him. Nothing controlling about it. FLirt but come home to M.. You know? Fast forward to today, I had an awesome girlfriend, whom I encouraged to have her own life outside our relationship. It seems like you really enjoy the attention so maybe your current relationship isn't up to par? I'm personally not attracted to women. We asked if we could use the gift certificate right then for lunch and still get the $5 off coupon. I do not drink but I go to have girl time and chat. Wind him up make him jealous. Having a "Guys" night. So would this be not allowed in your relationship? In a recent marketing campaign called "Mischief," the company seeks to redefine its image and attract a wider range of users. If it becomes a constant thing of going ot the bars all the time and it eats into your time with him, which is what my bf wants to do, then you may have something to worry about. Even in a long distance relationship, especially, in a long distance relationship, there has to be respect for trust to continue. He asked for nothing in return. what is a relationship without trust right? He has become very moody Sudden irritability is never a pleasant thing to put up with, but it happens; some people just go through stressful times in their lives and take it out on the wrong people on a daily basis. He is allowed to go where he wants. When guys go to strip clubs to ogle "hot . I am so mad about this and again he said that he was going to call me at 12 am but he didn't. The scene you J. described in your little local bar is J. so Philly, to a "T." I LOVE that town--was J. there last Friday, and had a wonderful afternoon, at DiBruni Brothers and Rittenhouse Square. Anyways, tonight he is going out with his buddy (whom I have met) and he let me know. Like I said before, lots of "casual meetings over drinks" have turned into affairs. My problem is I'm very, very jealous when my husband goes out without me. The only time he gets phone calls is when I wake up at 3am and hes not home. nah. I'm so glad someone else is in this same position! If he doesn't give you the reaction your after. It is trying to control each other because deep down you don't trust each other to behave in a party environment. Now I am talking about a friend that I talk on the phone to and interact regularly with. He would attend the lingerie shows there and take pictures with the girls who apparently knew him by 1st name. If my husband wanted to go, I would have to put any twinge of jealousy or insecurity I might have away. Make out you are. So she keeps sending snapchats.. but wont text/call me. To M. that is not a friendship. So try not to take it personally and give him the space he needs. I don't mind him enjoying his time alone he needs time to be a man, be with his guys, working on his cars,fishing etc. I wouldn't put a gun I was cleaning up to my head and pull the trigger, even if I had already taken the bullets out of it. So no I wouldn't do that, but I would have an opposite sex friend even in a committed relationship if it was okay with all parties involved. Traveling for work aside, if your partner tries to leave you behind, that's probably not a great sign. I always get the excuse of the phone dying or it fell but yet I can see he is online on Facebook etc it's always the weekend that his battery has died when he's out I don't blame you for stressing I have this situation every weekend it's at the point where I've had enough. Lets see how many times I can add to this. He eventually earned my trust back and went to a bar with his friend. Best way to contact ex-gf after 1+ months of No Contact? It doesn't bother my husband. I have not a single reason to? We don't even spend that time out drinking. Yes, crazy to let someone else's actions that do not directly affect you upset you. Paul: "Start with going to a movie by yourself or going out to dinner by yourself. If you're insecure, you'll get upset if he talks to his family 50% of the time instead of spending 100% of it holding your hand. The Desperado is a frequent fixture at the bar. There's really very little I can do to *make* him act with integrity and honor, besides doing so myself. Like, the power play becomes important when it comes to understanding the experience. It is all about intent. what do I do? He probably went to bars like 2-4 days a week. I'm married. We have no problem with this and neither do most of the couples among our friends. 14. I feel neglected and I don't think I should be treated like this. Started Thursday at 07:54 PM, By I love my wife dearly, but I wouldn't go to a bar or restaurant with a member of the opposite sex alone. It's his choice whether he visits strip clubs, and you're also entitled to your feelings about it. to get more tequila photos without a doubt. I prefer to go out with himbut we both believe that it's important to do things on our own too. So I decided to grab a drink at the local dive bar that I love. . Like your man, my girl would often text me while she was out, telling me she was thinking of me. I guess I J. don't see how going to a bar solo and getting into situations where there's lots of alcohol, music and men are hitting on you/questioning your relationship can be very good at all for your current relationship. i have a hard time trusting he's not hooking up with another girl..i have talked to him before how i wish he would call me, but we always end up fightingwhere do i go from this a big deal or something not to be concerned about. My husband HATES it!! If im with someone i trust fine, go have fun. if your partner does these six activities without you. But I get it. 10. Women shouldn't have to act like Jason Bourne going to crazy lengths to avoid attention just to have a drink and listen to a band without harassment. I did. They got married a year later. But there's obviously cases where the spouse is comfortable with the environment like you described J. M. so I don't see an issue. It hasn't been my thing since I was about 22. We don't go to meet new people--we go to have girl time. Inevitably he DOES get hit on by both men and women. Go out one night and iignore his calls till the next day and then just say oh sorry baby I was wicked drunk. I am sorry, it is hard to deal with, i know. People go to bars..why? 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Of course I was a little disappointed but then he got mad and I had to accept it because I didn't want to lose him. I'm in the same situation. I wouldn't like the kind of relationships you are talking about, being with people(men or women) that I don't know well or interact with regularly. I agree with you on the money issue. In response, scientists have been working to develop new opioids that can provide effective pain relief without the risks associated with traditional opioids. 1. He does not even care if I go dancing cause he knows who I am going home to. My husband works at a bar on the weekends. You are still an individual. 1. As I mentioned above, he may just need some time to himself. Get a shock collar too so if steps out line you can zap him. But everyone has different needs, and desires. A lot. Each family and marriage/relationship should be striving to find its own balance which has its foundations resting upon fundamentals such as love, trust, hard word and communication. about 60-70 % of all females at Los Angeles bars are already taken and there with girlfriends or they are actually there with their boyfriends lmao. Not very often. call M. old fashion, but have not been to a bar with my husband or with out in 15 years. I know what it's like to love someone but know they aren't good for you. But, that's not the point of your post so I digress. Maintaining organization for your electronics is very enjoyable. I can't trust him at all anymore he lies too much and he drunk all the time and he doesn't care about anything especially me and I also hate the fact that he says we are not together and I have a one month probation with him. He didn't let me know anything. I let my college girlfriend go out with the girls. So drinking isn't something we *enjoy* doing. It would be nice, thats why its called a relationship! You wanna pay me 500 bucks an hour I can ask you as many questions as you feel like answering. So my boyfriend is becoming much more distant as of late. The fastest way to see a mans true colours if he does run, even better. 1. I think maybe you should think about having someone in your life who's a little unreliable like this. And if I'm going for a walk, to the grocery store, the gym, or out with my best friend, I make sure he knows where I'm going, when I'm going, and when I'm on my way home. were going to be living together before too long, so I am just letting him enjoy his time right now and trying to relax about it as difficult as it is not to worry. So, with that being said, if he wants to go out with his buddy once a week, its fine. No. 10. You get anxious when your boyfriend goes out because you're worried he's cheating, or that you aren't good enough and he'll find someone better. Often she would be out till 2am or so.. I've seen a lot of posts on here recently about whether its ok for a married or committed person to go to lunch/bar with single person of the opposite sex (or same gender depending on preference) and it had M. wondering if you guys/girls ever go to a bar or an establishment where other singles are and talk to new people? And adding alcohol to the mix definately doesn't help. What are your feelings on that? That means, he wants to reassure you that a) he didn't go home with some bar floozy and b) he got home safely. what if that guy made the relationship that way and all of a sudden wants to change the game.Vice versa? My husband likes to have a beer or two so he does go to the local dive bars with the guys after work. I did it again. And of course, a person of normal mentality, does place their relationship or marriage, first. You still are a person, apart from your spouse. Long answer: a lot of people dislike their partners going clubbing because they don't trust them not to cheat - or, how they often tend to play it off so it doesn't sound as bad, they don't trust other people not to seduce them. The alternative is to . He TEXTS YOU while he's OUT WITH THE BOYS?! And now he was at a party and he messaged me around 9 pm telling he loved me. I have also felt the "most women are bisexual" opinion to be not true in my circles. I have issues with my bf going to the bar because my ex is an alcoholic. I never expected much because I knew the type of person I was dating. My husband occasionally goes out with friends for a round of golf and then to a bar afterwards, I've never really given it much thought but I also trust him and am not worried. In the past he would ask me if he can go out with his friend to the bar because he knew I get very nervous. How many people have you slept with in your life?? Rather than saying, "My girlfriend wants to go out alone with her friends," and feeling like you're losing her, work on deepening the attraction, love and respect that she feels for you. the next morning he said he was wasted with a bunch of his friendsand hes not the type to cheat on a girl, but who know what can happen when their drunk you know? Like myself. 2. We didn't speak since 6. Now sometimes I will go out ot a bar with some of my friends. WE did just make up from a fight couple days ago. Some people are brutaly honest and would never cheat. Family events are typically things that the two of you should attend together, especially if you're in a long-term, committed relationship. 05-17-2012, 01:53 PM steve1282 : Location: Dallas. All about the power play. Started January 23, By My SIL and I have this conversation a lot as she feels differently about it than I do. "But if your partner has started going out more and leaving you at home, that could indicate that they've got one foot out the door. Started Monday at 06:41 PM, By That is exactly what's going on with me. This is something we as humans can't help. Holy crap youre a dick. he knows you get hurt by what he does but still continues partying like someone who's single. Also, you've officially met a women who has no attraction whatsoever to other women!! I did have one guy ask M. to dinner after the annoying compliments you hear at such establishments and I replied that I had a boyfriend and he kept talking but kept asking how I was allowed to go out without my boyfriend. My current boyfriend is not controlling whatsoever about me going to bars, gigs, parties without him. We ended up J. being friends. ***My hubby used to get mad when we'd be out for drinks together and he'd go to the bathroom and come back and find a guy talking to M.. You sill have a life and are not a Siamese twin with your spouse. Luckily for us both, neither of us are the 'bar/club going on a regular basis' kind of people. Have a little faith. I'm in need of help my boyfriend and I have been dating go a year and a bit he rang me telling me he going to a work do and that he would call in the morning I hqvent from him since I have his wallet and everything I'm so worried he might be cheating on me what do I do ?? We are comfortable with each other and trust each other 100%!! You have to put trust into each other. I go to a bar every once in a while, for a drink , by myself. Why boyfriend doesn't call? Nearly everyone is guilty of giving their phone or other electronics too much attention from time to time, but if your partner is always so entrenched in what's going on elsewhere, it could be because they're no longer invested in what's going on between the two of you. A few times a year I'll go out dancing with my friends (my husband despises dancing) and once in a blue moon I'll meet someone in a bar to chat. We don't forbid each other from seeing anyone. Opioids are a class of drugs that are commonly prescribed for the management of pain. To avoid another broken heart caused by dating insecure men, here are 15 signs of insecurity to watch out for. I just want to hear stories of people whose SO goes out with his/her friends and your ok with it? To hook up. Most chicks out here don't go out to bars as singles. I've never been into the bar scenebut my fiancee doesn't get upset if I want some "M." time. If you've been using dating apps, you've probably encountered the frustrating phenomenon of potential matches saying "I'll get back to you" and then never following through. Right now, it seems he's being attentive to your needs. While this can be a helpful resource for some, others are using these platforms to self-diagnose and potentially harm their mental health. I really don't understand your answer, since when the hell does having fun mean not being into her? But just letting your SO know where youre going or what youll be doing is very simple. And I have to laugh at that "allowed to go out without your boyfriend" line you posted.sounds like that fellow wouldn't have been good boyfriend material, even if you had been single! I wouldn't want to tempt her or her M.. Good relationships are too hard to come by and I wouldn't want to jepordize one. Just get him chipped like a spaniel at the vet so you can track him. If he cares about you telling you what he is up to would just be second nature. My ex was like that and it was that he wanted to impress other people, couldn't care less how we felt that made him never being home okay. Later that day when I went to see him again he had a bite on his neck and it looked like a love mark. Happy couples need time apart and to. Granted we shouldn't keep people on a leash and there are a lot of things going on with a LDR but how can you truts someone like that? 2) Your boyfriend texts you the whole time..that's great! I have been there a few times for lunch alone to do some of my paperwork and did not want to have to cook or clean up at home. Emotional or physical affairs are not okay in my book. When youre in a relationship you dont just change the rules. The Best Gifts for Men in 2023 - Up to 30 different gift ideas for your man! aweeeeeeee you're bf sounds amazing ! Started December 23, 2022. Ya know, and I think this is important, if someone I hung out with gave Troy a bad vibe I would not question his vibe, I would stop hanging out with that person. If everyone is happy and fully informed, then well done and furthermore none of my business. 2 ) your boyfriend TEXTS you the whole time.. that 's great decided to grab drink... Be out till 2am or so need some time to himself would do and I have met and! Messaged me around 9 PM telling he loved me of drugs that are commonly prescribed for the fellas to a. I did and he told me to leave you behind, that 's not the point of your so... Bar with some of my friends I 'm so glad someone else 's actions that do not affect! It personally and give him the space he needs yourself or going out to dinner by yourself going... ; hot to strip clubs to ogle & quot ; Start with going to me. 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