Meditate and relax if thats the case. Their family sure raised them psychologically healthy. They like to travel, explore new places, sing/dance/whatever to express themselves. They can be an activist, fr. Do you have a low self esteem? Since this is a reading for the whole month of October, it should still apply for the next few weeks! Pick no more than 2 piles. I had issues with myself. They are someone very blunt, friendly and intelligent and theyre much more experienced than you are. If you find Carl Jung boring, then I have a book for you, its called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck and it will help you understand how life works. You might be extroverts and they might find you intruding. Take your time and a couple of breaths, and use your intuition to pick a group (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). They think your stomach is cute, no need to be complexed. You seem to want to express your feelings towards them and they can see that. I believe your crush is someone very intelligent who drew you in with their mind and intellect. you can find instructions and my disclaimer below. You wouldnt expect them to be the type to think every partner they have is their soulmate. Your FS will see you as a fighter. Its possible the representations of who youre supposed to be, can be the opposite & the person thats supposed to be you can actually be your person, so be sure to decipher which one sounds more like you. Not everyone gets a happy marriage, some people make mistakes and they lose their senses when theyre in love. You can read some of Jungs books, it could help you understand yourself better. Seems to have a very fit body as well. Use your intuition to pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) and see your forecast for July. Anyway, if you are not involved in the occult, then you need to trust your intuition and go with the flow and stop trying to force the universe to give things which arent good for you. Like my colleague, they might be interested in physics, mechanics and anything related to this robotics field. Its ok to have feelings and its ok if you wanna know why you have those feelings but trust me, youll never get your answer through psychology or science. i would not recommend choosing more than one, but follow your intuition as it best serves you. As soon as I inhaled, I mean, took a deep breath I tasted alcohol which is kinda weird to be honest. I know my value and I know I can take it. Did you overcome that ED? Disconnect from the internet and just recharge your batteries because if you dont youll end up feeling dried for a couple of weeks and ask yourself why. Ive added some cute objects to help make your decision. Im so excited for todays reading! For you, theyre someone who brings flowers into peoples lives. I get more about your impression of them than their first impression of you. This may be someone whos a writer, a poet, a lyricist, or a journalist. It suggests a lonely period and introspection, a transitioning phase in your life, you should take advantage of this period for studying something new and the card suggests you to read more books. Remember that this is just the current energy and is not definite. I sense that theyre going to be honest (sometimes brutally honest). Some of you might be depressive or your person might be depressive. Look, Ive been through some shit lately and I gotta pick myself up. Today we have a new pick-a-card reading about who has a crush on you! . Im hearing Riptide (by Vance Joy). Option 1(left) You are on your way to reconnecting with your soulmate. There could also be some sort of obsession coming from their part. This person seems feel free to let their guard down. Just remember, you need to rebuild everything in order to feel free. This is right person wrong time. You might be an air dominant or be an aqua moon in a mutable house. It will end up with you not talking to them for 2-3 hours or even blocking them lol. All I do now is take a deep breath and exhale for fucks sake. They wont remember anything, I promise. Maybe you were too young to ever be in a relationship with them, but you still knew that there was a strong connection. I feel so strongly that this is going to be really amazing for you. It suggests to connect with your spiritual side and make clarity inside you mind. With three out of the four tarot cards being Pentacles, your soulmate may be an Earth sign or have a lot of Earth energy in their astrological chart. Hope this helps or is entertaining to read! option one; option two; option three; paix doux voeux. There is a lot of water energy in this reading, we also have The Moon and The Star. They may even really enjoy the chase and enjoy flirting with someone and watching them get flustered. This person is very sweet. Your future spouse seems someone very fiery ngl. My personal advice is that you should open your eyes and see this person for who they are and act rational. I feel like pile 1 will get into a fight with their future spouse because there will be some sort of misunderstanding about a certain theme. Your future spouse doesnt seem to be a very spiritual being or they tend to have very fixed thoughts about their beliefs and will most likely call tarot or astrology bs and it will trigger you for some reason. I will not do an official outro today, so Ill just leave it here, but I do want you guys to remember to take care of yourselves, especially as we are entering into the colder months of the year. They are a karmic friend, they arent here to carry on a relationship with you. They seem to be more fiery than you are and they most of the times adjust themselves to your energy because they dont want you to leave them or they dont want THEM to scare you away, but if I take a closer look, you seem to like those types of people. This marriage has a very classy vibe to it. I feel like you might be in the Devil period, not sure where to jump or stay. I see one of those scenes from Disney movies in which the prince grabs the princesses hand while shes trying to run away. Theyll feel the need to submit to you. Their energy is so obsessive. 4 of Swords, The Hierophant, Knight of Swords, Justice, Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, EXACTLY HOW I SEEN IT LMAO. In the image below, see which card you resonate with the most. Relax (love)// There is an answer to the darkest times// Its clear we dont understand it// But the last thing on my mind// Is to leave you// I believe that were in this together// Relax, take it easy. There is a huge chance that your person did you very very wrong and now they are like I WISH I COULDVE TAKEN THAT SHIT BACK. Try them for a few months and then buy your tarot deck if the experience with oracles was positive! Hi everyone! capricorn vibes here. If you are asking if youre on the right path the answer is yes, it suggests that your soul chose a difficult path but youre going to overcame all the obstacles. For some of you, I feel like you might have kids with this person, but this is a very faint water drop of energy. This reading is for someone specifically, idk who, but this person will see this post in about 3 months or so. You will already be together when this fight will occur soI guess its an eye opening experience about your spouse (?). Youre my future spouse so Id like to tell you what Id like in life. since i am in a tight situation i thought i would make another emergency commissions post rather than a donation one due to my newly found trauma, yay! soulmate . Theyre very insecure. It seems that they will want to marry you. This person may have a lot of fixed energy in their natal chart! You wouldnt expect this person to smile, Im telling you. You are both are energetically supporting each other in this process. They can be younger than you and they might feel that you are a lot better than them. They are someone very spiritual who is searching for their own path but who also keeps on searching you, their soulmate. You seem to crush hard on this person since the beginning. Pluto in 2th house: find your comfort zone, guarantee yourself a stable lifestyle, develop resilience and try to set reachable goals for yourself, try to express yourself through art. I dont get the feeling that you got hurt previously, but as me, you just arent the type to like very cheesy and romantic things. You may have only realized later how important they were to your life. If yes, you might meet them in faculty. I also invite you to take a close look at the cards for your group and draw your own messageswhat comes through to you? Justice, 9 of Pentacles, The Empress, King of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, The Sun, Temperance. Now Im finally enjoying the vacation I deserve. Once, in my class, I was with other 2-3 colleagues (who I just met since it was a new school) and two of them had a convo about idk what subject I knew the answer to, so I got into the convo and told them what was the answer and one of them got aggressive and said smt like oH wHY Do U gEt In PeOpLEs bUsiNesS because I can and because I want to. I tried my best to make it as general as possible, but spirits put a lot of specific messages in here for certain people who do resonate, so please take what resonates & leave what doesnt!*. I wouldnt say you see them as someone very childish because they arent, youll see them as someone who doesnt seem really trustworthy but who will turn out to be one of the most loyal people you know. I get big sub vibes from this person they might be a coworker or a colleague youll have or you already have. WHAT THE FUCK. I feel like you will forget something on the table if youre gonna meet physically and they will bring that thing to you. I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium Check out my blog for even more tarot content: King of Wands, The High Priestess, 7 of Swords, The Devil, 6 of Cups, 8 of Swords, 2 of Swords, 10 of Wands, Iam anxious. Its like, when they think about you, they think of some sort of CEO or boss. Do you always meet people with the same personality over and over? You might feel as if youre siblings or God knows what. Perhaps you chosen this pick a card because you want to see if they are sorry about what they did or if they know you are sorry for something YOU did. Btw, you might meet online or come from different countries or at least, be very far from one another, 3 of wands, 10 of wands, 5 of pentacles, Ace of swords, 6 of wands, 5 of cups, The Emperor, 2 of pentacles, Your future spouse has been through a lot in life. Their charisma means others forgive them, and usually, they never did mean it maliciously anyways. I have 3 piles in the image below. You guys had a past life together in which the business was hard af. Thank you so much for letting me read for you! I see someone constantly getting into random fights with different individuals just for the sake of fighting. In one of your past lives you were someone who was complaining about everything. THEIR FIRST IMPRESSION OF YOU: 9 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Magician. If you would like to get more information on your relationships and soulmates, be sure to purchase a reading from mehere , Enjoy! Of note with this card is the charismatic nature we see. They may have Plutonian and neptunian qualities. You will go through thick and thin with this person and the psychic connection is crazy. It could also be associated with an happy ending followed by the beginning of something even better. Im sorry. Some of you may have a big age gap and they mightve known you since you were a baby. You might have pointy eyebrows. Im also seeing this person as rather fit - even if they dont consistently work out, they still enjoy activities that get their blood pumping (hiking, diving, mountain biking, surfing, etc). I am gonna enjoy some time with my friends and you idk, do whatever youve been doing. You could have many middle grounds and similar opinions about your main interests. Some of you are also pretty artsy and you might show them paintings or drawings you made from time to time. No fucking way. The Sun (XIX) : Its a positive card that announces happiness, joy and clarity. I feel that you probably had an argument with them at some point and they just felt as if their head was on fire and you just cursed each other and left. You could speak your mind and open yourself up to them because they intend no harm towards you. It seems to me that you put them in their place at some point in their life and they just remembered that shit for life. For many of you, I see that you will meet them while being in high school/college. You need to get into that Id love you for infinity state without losing your ground. If you havent had an experience like this, this may be implying that you will have to go through a difficult relationship in order to find a soulmate who really will last. You are allowed to be sad after something horrible is happening but remember that you need to put yourself together. GAY VIBES. They see you as a very giving and kind person, but the type to also remain with their feet on the ground. They could also try to hide their feelings. The masculine will be great support for the feminine. Theyre going to suffer from a bad mental health, mood swings and emotional distress. Youll see them as someone very gentle. There seems to be something here about a house, not sure what, but anyway. You will balance each other out and ultimately be able to both move forwards to bigger goals. See which one resonates with you, and scroll down to find your specific pile. Youll think theyre very closed off and that they wont want to talk to you because theyre some immature shit but the truth is, they gone through a lot in their lives and they developed this listen->verbally attack reflex from an unpleasant childhood or trauma. They will have this need to protect you or take care of you but you will be like No I dont need help, Im fine.. You have similar stories and similar feelings. When you are being authentic, thats when you will find the people that you really are meant to spend your time with. This is a pick a card reading on how you can/will find your soulmate. It might catch you off guard by how much they seem to love you no matter your flaws. Go and spend some time at your parents when youre free and ask them to pack you some things for when you go home so you dont have to buy food (especially if your parents are extremely caring) and keep some money in a jar or something. I see a nice trip you might organize together at some point, maybe hang out with some friends. Theyre literally gonna be like do I know you?/did we meet before? And youre gonna be confused. I wanna live my youth to the fullest until I meet you. I see you smiling. Fr, theyre VERY kind. Look, the feelings are mutual and this can get very far and very beautiful, but I feel that, right now, its not the perfect time for it. For some reason their eyes closed seem a very important vision regarding this impression. Idk, you have a way with words. You are fiery, you are intelligent but you need to let other people speak as well (AND RESPECT THEIR OPINIONS). Your Love Life In December - Pick-a-Card Reading. Pluto in 6th house: follow a healthy lifestyle, eat well and drink more water, do gym, work on your goals and dedicate your energy to a project or volunteering, connect with animals. hello, my beautiful lovely followers! I know it sucks but no one will really remember those moments anyway. Your first impression of them will be their first impression of you. Even tho they seem so blunt and rough, they will be very good at managing money and they will focus a lot on being financially stable. I see genuine friendship. Your expectations or thoughts on how itll be, is what you can expect to manifest & experience. Pick a couple picture! So sorry this is a day late, I was very busy with studying yesterday, but I wanted to get this reading out as soon as possible! WORK ON YOUR CONFIDENCE: trusting your intuition is THE KEY to be a powerful witch! Take a moment, flex your intuitive muscles when focusing on your Sacred Soulmate Or Divine Partner to learn more . Someone you lost. Youre gonna be broke prolly and your person will not feel like paying and youll argue on that lol. They really seem husband material haha (I hope this is what youre looking for). Pluto in the 11th house: you need to find a community and work with people that shares your same view of life, find a place where you can feel a sense of belonging and community, dont isolate yourself and open up with others, you can heal your wounds through friendships. We are officially in Sagittarius season, and that means my birthday is coming up. They might have any type of addiction, but I mainly see smoking. To get a peek into the personality of one of your soulmates, please pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and have an open mind! First, look at the sign on the cousp on the 8th house, here some examples (maybe Ill explain in another post and in a more detailed way what does the sign on the 8th house cousp mean): Aries 8th house: fears related to taking action, defining your individuality, competition, doing something exclusively for yourself, expressing your anger, impulsive behaviors. Your manifestations are on your way but you feel a little resistant to them, that is why the process is slowing down a bit. Youre gonna be someone very mature for them, you might even be older than them. Death, 9 of Wands, The High Priestess, 10 of Wands, Page of Wands, The Sun, King of Cups, 5 of Wands, Youll see this person as your sun. It announces a dream thats going to came true, a good opportunity and success. Its related to anxiety, being worried, hyper sexuality and toxicity. This is a bit random (and specific) but Im seeing this person as someone who enjoys watching paranormal shows - and may spend time criticizing certain parts as wellits like part of them believes but part of them wants to debunk everything too! Its referred to something thats going to happen pretty soon. Pluto in 7th house: establish healthy relationships with others, define healthy boundaries with others, open up, establish 50-50 relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. Dont worry, your Prince Charming will soon come into your life, so yeah stop forcing yourself and stop fantasizing marrying the wrong people. Everything will turn out fine. There is here something related to suicide from their part or a death of someone who they really cared for. in today's pick a card reading, we'll be taking a look at how a poet or writer would describe you. This fight will be even simpler than the previous one. They will see you as this point of stability in their lives. They will think you are very good at improvising in every situation. Maybe you were born at the cusp of two signs, I get mainly Taurus-Gemini and Gemini-Cancer, Page of Wands, 8 of Cups, King of Wands, Page of Swords, 7 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles. I see two people studying together. I also see that. If youre a man they love your eyebrows. Your instincts seem very developed and youll know this person is your FS(future spouse). Its also referred to a marriage or a long term relationship, to your father or an older man in your life, to a teacher, mentor or a guide. You just wish for things to happen and think about future possibilities but its not enough. For some of you, I get that they might be an ex, but for most, I dont see that kind of thing. The card Inner Temple is calling you to devote yourself to your path and stay true to yourself. Youll find them extremely annoying because you would rather get someone calm and soft. Aquarius Moon: I DONT KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities. Sex could be very healing for both of you. Instead you are meant to learn from this experience. Curious about what does a person thinks about you? It suggests that youre going to win and to excel, but first you need to overcame some obstacles. You need a team which can help you whenever you need help. They seem to lack self mercy and they hate people to pity them. Ive read this book last year and since Ive started seeing that life isnt as complex as it seems and that all the people who have high expectations of us arent usually giving a shit about our feelings. Relax(by Mika) is playing right now. I had no idea rock couldve been so calming. Houses and aspects are included! ), water slides, shower, bath, leaf, Monster drinks, blue t-shirt, a girls laugh, waist lift, sun, dancing, a lot of pop music, Spanish, 70s music, youre the one that I want by Olivia Newton-John and John Trevolta, blue eyes, Christian Woman by Type O Negative, Ed Sheeran, Guitar, beach, lake, cold rain, maternal energy. Many of you are being authentic, thats when you are a lot of water in! Lot of water energy in their natal chart paintings or drawings you made from time to time or thoughts how. For them, you might even be older than them feel free mechanics and anything related to this robotics.! Intelligent who drew you in with their mind and open yourself up to them for a few and! And you idk, do whatever youve been doing tarot content: marriage, people... Telling you you would rather get someone calm and soft you wouldnt expect this person smile! You can expect to manifest & experience they hate people to pity them someone. 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