_@b'^\481FqTK9jri0TO*5P5NUB19@u$.c[w(e- The last paragraph of @ 38.113, entitled Signage and currently designated as paragraph (3), is redesignated as paragraph (e). They viewed the separate provision for private entities (such as manufacturers) as being a less stringent standard, which would allow manufacturers to circumvent the standards in the rule. If the entity chooses not to allow such individuals to use such a lift, it shall clearly notify consumers of this fact by signage on the exterior of the vehicle (adjacent to and of equivalent size with the accessibility symbol). A transit provider said that, in case the Access Board changed its standard, detectable warnings that had been installed in the meantime should be grandfathered. Mr. X has Reasonable Cause for Not Filing and Turning Over Form 941 Withholding Taxes. The first was the designation of the last paragraph of @ 38.113 (concerning signage) as (3), rather than (e). In issuing the NPRM, the Department stated that the existing design for detectable warnings standard fulfills detectability and safety requirements. In other words, we believe it is more important to do the job right than to do it immediately. As a matter of guidance, we believe it is reasonable that if a passenger with a "hidden" disability wants a driver to ask someone to make room for use of a priority seat, the individual should tell the driver about the disability. All of these, in PTSB's view, present clear safety hazards to standees. In view of the close relationship between the coverage of airport facilities under the ADA, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Air Carrier Access Act, the Department is clarifying the facilities section to specifically include requests for equivalent facilitation that arise concerning airport facilities under all three statutes. 58 FR 63092 DATE: Tuesday, November 30, 1993ACTION: Final rule. The second modification would except a particular model of lifts from the requirement that transportation providers permit standees to use lifts. * * * * *, 8. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS It said that while new products have been developed, they have not yet been independently tested. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) changed the name of the former Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) to Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The study affirms the excellent detectability of materials meeting Federal standards. However, nothing in the study suggests that these problems appear insuperable; nor does the study suggest that a prolonged period of time (e.g., five years) is needed for rail operators to solve these problems. Thirty-one state and local agencies working with disability matters, three private transportation providers, three members of Congress (Senators Harkin and Kennedy and Representative Mineta), and four other commenters also advocated not changing the existing rule. (56 FR 45755). Web1. %PDF-1.5 % It also mentioned a technical safety concern relating to the interface of the detectable warning strip and the yellow safety stripe at the platform edge. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. For work-related hardship license appeals, this means that you must provide a letter from your employer which explains your work hours and need for a license. The equivalent facilitation sections for vehicles and facilities are basically parallel. * * * * *(d)(1) For purposes of implementing the equivalent facilitation provision in section 2.2 of appendix A to this part, the following parties may submit to the Administrator of the applicable operating administration a request for a determination of equivalent facilitation:(i)(A) A public or private entity that provides transportation facilities subject to the provisions of subpart C this part, or other appropriate party with the concurrence of the Administrator;(ii) With respect to airport facilities, an entity that is an airport operator subject to the requirements of 49 CFR part 27 or regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act, an air carrier subject to the requirements of 14 CFR part 382, or other appropriate party with the concurrence of the Administrator. PAGE 2058 FR 63092, *63100agreements with one another, a provision requiring available accessible cars to be provided before other cars in the donor agency's fleet. Since the FTA issued these letters, the Access Board published Bulletin # 1 in May 1992, clarifying many of the ambiguities left by its original guidelines and containing a diagram illustrating the pattern prescribed for detectable warning surfaces. Nevertheless, the Department said that rail operators may have legitimate concerns about the installation of detectable warning materials as they retrofit key stations for accessibility. Some services, such as sign language interpreting, reader services, or personal assistance while on travel, can be provided by DRC on a continuing basis. On January 10, 1992, the FTA Administrator determined that the criteria under 49 CFR 37.9 had been met, and he advised EPI that the detectability of the Armor-Tile warning strip was equivalent to those meeting the Access Board guidelines. A statement of the eligibility requirements for coverage including: (A) The condition under which dependent enrollees may be added to those originally covered; (B) Any limiting age for enrollees and dependents, including effects of Medicare eli-gibility; and (C) A clear statement regarding the cover-age of newborn children. Not more than 6 inches of the required clear floor space may be accommodated for footrests under another seat provided there is a minimum of 9 inches from the floor to the lowest part of the seat overhanging the space. (2) By documenting that, when there is more than one source of intercity or commuter rail cars for a lease of seven days or less, the lessee has obtained all available accessible intercity or commuter rail cars from all sources before obtaining inaccessible intercity or commuter rail cars from any source. The chance of the future event or events occurring is more than remote but less than likely. These were primarily, but not exclusively, from the blind community. Three transit agencies asked how to prioritize among different disabled passengers (e.g., ambulatory vs. non-ambulatory). The FTA Administrator sent letter to a number of manufacturers to inform them that their designs appeared to meet the dimensional requirements intended by the Access Board. WebReasonable accommodations also include any structural changes that may be necessary. The Department of Justice and the Access Board do not: In non-transportation contexts, if a facility owner determines that it has made an equivalent facilitation, if need not seek approval or confirmation from any Federal agency. 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE This is important, among other reasons, because based on the premise that standees can use lifts, the Access Board found it unnecessary to establish a standard for stair riser heights in vehicles that use lifts. What If I Want Interpreting Services Or Other Ongoing Supports? Issued this 25th day of October, 1993, at Washington, D.C. Federico Pena,Secretary of Transportation.For the reasons set forth in the Preamble, the Department of Transportation amends 49 CFR parts 37 and 38 as follows: (b)(1) For purposes of implementing the equivalent facilitation provision in @ 38.2 of this subtitle, the following parties may submit to the Administrator of the applicable operating administration a request for a determination of equivalent facilitation: PAGE 2358 FR 63092, *63101(i) A public or private entity that provides transportation services and is subject to the provisions of subpart D or subpart E this part; or(ii) The manufacturer of a vehicle or a vehicle component or subsystem to be used by such entity to comply with this part. A number mentioned the crowded, noisy, distracting atmosphere of rush hour train stations as being a situation in which a tactile cue like a detectable warning is particularly important. We do not believe that such accommodations should be required, however. To accommodate this situation, the Department proposed to add a new paragraph to this section, which would allow good faith efforts to be documented in a different way. The Department, instead, received a substantial number of requests for equivalent facilitation determinations from manufacturers relating to approvals of particular products. Prospective purchasers are advised to evaluate carefully all proposed products and designs against the Access Board requirements for compliance with technical [*63099] specifications, applications, designs, and installations. WebINABILITY TO OBTAIN. One transit agency asked that the rule state that non-disabled passengers do not have to get off the bus to let a disabled passenger on. One rail operator cited a 1991 study performed by a consultant for DOT that noted a number of problems that had occurred in early installations of detectable warnings. (Deletion or indefinite suspension, in any case, would appear to exceed the scope of the notice for this rulemaking.) Several manufacturers of detectable warning surfaces requested clarification. (56 FR 45618). The rule would not impose a uniform procedure; each transit system may devise a means best suited to its operations to carry out the requirement. The bulk of these-388 comments-were from individuals with disabilities or organizations representing them. The main point of all commenters supporting a restriction on the use of lifts by standees was the safety risk that they believe to exist. In @ 38.125, paragraph (d)(2) is revised to read as follows:@ 38.125 -- Mobility aid accessibility. Before the issuance of the NPRM, the Department of Transportation received a number of inquiries from transportation providers concerning whether the regulatory provision on standees applies to all existing bus lifts, or only to lifts meeting the requirements of 49 CFR part 38 (the Department's adoption as its standards of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board accessibility guidelines for vehicles). (5) A determination of compliance will be made by the Administrator of the concerned operating administration on a case-by-case basis, with the concurrence of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs.PAGE 2458 FR 63092, *63102(6) Determinations of equivalent facilitation are made only with respect to vehicles or vehicle components used in the provision of transportation services covered by subpart D or subpart E of this part, and pertain only to the specific situation concerning which the determination is made. The Department is aware that the Access Board (along with the Department of Justice and Department of Transportation) proposed to suspend, until January 1995, the requirement for detectable warnings in contexts such as curb ramps and parking lots, with the expectation of conducting further research. Phone: 202-366-6242, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE liquid watercolor michaels. There are no Federalism impacts sufficient to warrant the preparation of a Federalism assessment. The Department believes that the suggestion to publish its equivalent facilitation determinations is a good one. 57 0 obj <>stream Sixteen commenters-including both transportation agencies and disability community commenters, among others-favored the NPRM's proposal. Transit providers may, if they choose, provide additional accommodations, such as retrofitted handrails on existing lifts or on-board wheelchairs. [49.CFR 37.163 (f)] SECTION 12 - PRIORITY SEATING . It would be appropriate for transit operators to establish a mechanism based on local circumstances, consultation with drivers, and input from the local community. The Department believes that the ambiguities in the original Access Board guidelines have been resolved by Bulletin # 1, and that FTA letters concerning compliance with the Access Board requirements are no longer necessary. * * * * *7. Equivalent facilitation is a useful provision of the Access Board guidelines and the Department's rules that applies to all accessibility features. The purpose of the detectable warning is to inform blind or visually impaired passengers that they are nearing the platform edge. However, the ADA regulation is in Subchapter I of that Title. They also asked why we seemed to assume that detectable warnings shouldn't be installed until we were sure they were other component of a rail system. One commenter said that, if the specifications were changed, existing models of fare vending systems had installed should be grandfathered, so that retrofit was not necessary. "[wll,u&aElBK5#3cn6u. According to a press report of the incident, the individual asserted that, had a detectable warning strip been in place, her fall would have been prevented. The ADA requires the Department to adopt standards consistent with the Access Board guidelines. In the most recent case, a visually impaired individual apparently fell onto the tracks of a Maryland commuter rail system and was also fatally injured by a train. Consistent with requirements of the ADA discussed above, persons who use canes or walkers and other standees with disabilities who cannot readily climb steps into a vehicle must be permitted to use lifts. Before the NPRM was issued, Amtrak told DOT staff that this provision is not appropriate in an important situation in which it leases rail cars. 2. We do not believe it is necessary to add language concerning the "one car per train" requirement. Connection Between Medical Disability and Educational Requirements. The Department believes that the Access Board proposal, which focuses on the reach range requirements for ATMs, is reasonable for fare vending machines as well. The language which applies the "driver request" provision to rail systems only to the extent practicable seems necessary. A disability community commenter suggested. WebDocumentation RequirementsInability to obtain reasonable lodging in Texas. Section 37.87 is amended by redesignating the present paragraph (d) as paragraph (e) and adding a new paragraph (d) to read as follows:@ 37.87 -- Purchase or lease of used intercity and commuter rail cars. All documents and other information concerning the request shall be available, upon request, to members of the public. 10. The Department also wants to clarify an equivalent facilitation decision it had earlier made concerning detectable warnings. 20590. Liz has low vision and uses assistive technologies to assist her with the essential functions of her job in the Office of Human Resources. In @ 37.167, a new paragraph (j) is added, to read as follows:PAGE 2758 FR 63092, *63103@ 37.167 -- Other service requirements. The latter group of commenters said that, in a vehicle that did not meet part 38 standards, there were safety concerns relating to door height, smoothness of operation etc. The NPRM also noted that the Department's concerns did not relate to the cost of installing detectable warnings in key stations. From a transportation policy point of view, requiring materials to be installed without providing a reasonable amount of time for rail operators to resolve these very practical issues could be counterproductive. Making decisions about equivalent facilitation in advance, through an agency administrative process, seems more efficient than making them after the fact, through litigation. These good faith efforts are the same that apply to purchases of used rolling stock (e.g., buses) by mass transit systems-an initial solicitation for accessible vehicles, a nationwide search for accessible vehicles, including advertising in trade publications and contacting trade associations. (iii) The entity shall sponsor at least one public hearing on the request and shall provide adequate notice of the hearing, including advertisement in appropriate media, such as newspapers of general and special interest circulation and radio announcements. WebAccording to International Standards on Auditing ISAs, auditor is required to obtain reasonable assurance whether financial statements give true and fair view or in others words he must be reasonably sure that financial statements are free from material misstatements. Technology and product differentiation in the detectable warnings field does not stand still, and equivalent facilitation is an appropriate means to recognize evolution and innovation in these products. (2) The requesting party shall provide the following information with its request:(i) Entity name, address, contact person and telephone;(ii) Specific provision of appendix A to this part with which the entity is unable to comply;(iii) Reasons for inability to comply;(iv) Alternative method of compliance, with demonstration of how the alternative meets or exceeds the level of accessibility or usability of the vehicle provided in appendix A to this part; and(v) Documentation of the public participation used in developing an alternative method of compliance.PAGE 2558 FR 63092, *63102(3) In the case of a request by a public entity that provides transportation facilities (including an airport operator), or a request by an air carrier with respect to airport facilities, the required public participation shall include the following:(i) The entity shall contact individuals with disabilities and groups representing them in the community. Webstatement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation An Audio Repository of Nusach & Nigunim According to the Ashkenaz Tradition countdown Timer Expired. Another disability community commenter suggested a requirement that the lease of rail cars by Amtrak not be permitted to decrease the overall percentage of Amtrak's fleet that was accessible (i.e., that if Amtrak leased inaccessible cars from a commuter authority, Amtrak would have to obtain accessible cars elsewhere in order to maintain the same percentage of accessibility in its fleet that it had before the lease). The less stringent standard could also encourage misleading or unethical practices, they said. Those commenters who asserted that the two types of machines should have different requirements did not provide sufficient information on which the Department or the Access Board could base a separate standard. These support services are provided throughout DOT, regardless of an employee's geographic location. It is important to remember that the NPRM never raised the issue of whether detectable warnings should be installed on rail platform edges, only the issue of when installation should be completed. They suggested that public and private entities be subject to the same procedures. We expect economic impacts to be minimal, so we have not prepared a regulatory evaluation. Washington, DC 20590 The DREDF comment asserted, first, that there was no documentation of actual safety problems-data or even anecdotes-necessitating a restriction on the kinds of lifts that standees should be allowed to use. Seven additional commenters favored longer delays. In making the request available for public review, the entity shall ensure that it is available, upon request, in accessible formats. Hours. Washington, DC 20590 We received this comment from 101 commenters, 80 of whom were disability organizations or individuals with disabilities. Given that installation methods not raising the technical problems said to affect retrofit are possible in this situation (even though retrofit-like methods could also be used), the Department does not believe that a postponement is necessary. * * * * *PAGE 2658 FR 63092, *631026. PAGE 1858 FR 63092, *63099transit agencies asked for guidance on how to identify people with hidden disabilities for priority seating purposes (one of these commenters suggested that such passengers self-disclose). Other commenters suggested adding safeguards to ensure accessibility. This Statement uses the terms probable , reasonably possible, and remote to identify three areas within that range, as follows: Probable . The Department believes that one commenter's concerns about the relationship of the yellow safety strip or "bumpers" (i.e., strips of material along the outward-facing edges of platforms to protect the rail cars and platform edges from abrasion) on some of its platforms can be addressed successfully without regulatory change, and the Department will work with rail operators to that end. Providing reasonable accommodations is an interactive process where the employee and his or her manager need to participate to help achieve a successful accommodation. Entities shall not cite these determinations as indicating that a products or methods constitute equivalent facilitations in situations other than those to which the determinations specifically pertain. Last fall, the Access Board proposed amending its guidelines for ATMs. Many of these letters appeared to be generated by a. It is a way of providing needed flexibility as entities find ways to achieve accessibility in ways that differ from existing design standards. 4. Under appendix A of part 37, which adopts as part of a DOT regulation the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) guidelines for accessible facilities, sections 10.3.1 and 10.3.2, require that an accessible rail station have a 24-inch wide detectable warning strip running the entire length of the platform edge. Seventeen commenters supported restricting the access of standees to lifts. That is, they were concerned that passengers would lose their balance and fall, hit their head, or otherwise suffer injury, as the result of using the lift. Given the urgency of the concerns expressed by disability community comments and the strong safety rationale for installing detectable warnings, the Department will not adopt the proposed 18-month extension, however. Different transit properties that have installed the tiles reported different experiences with cleaning and maintenance, some reporting substantial difficulty and others having few problems. This issue attracted, by far, the greatest number of comments of any issue raised by the NPRM. WebIf you were unable to obtain records needed to prepare your tax return, reasonable cause may apply. If a van is being used for specialized paratransit service for individuals with disabilities, then this provision-which addresses only to those vehicles. Other commenters expressed concern about delay (one suggesting a 90-day FTA deadline) or about misleading manufacturer claims of "DOT approved" products. Thirteen of these, including ten state or local transportation agencies, supported the NPRM proposal. An FTA regulation (49 CFR 609.15(d)) requires FTA-assisted public transit authorities to designate priority seating near the front of vehicles for elderly and handicapped persons. Any decision in a matter of this kind requires the Department to strike a balance between the legitimate concerns that commenters have expressed. Copies of the final rule are available in alternative formats on request. hbbd```b``"d."H :XdXW`)f$lWdH! R,DdL@d` ?7 h It is fair to conclude from comments to the rule that one of the consequences of having a serious visual impairment is the need to concentrate very hard on mobility and orientation matters that sighted persons handle routinely. The obligations would differ depending on whether the requester is a transportation entity or a manufacturer (in the latter case, the requirement would be a consultation requirement, since there is not a single community whose representatives could be involved in the normal sense of public participation). 9. The Department encourages the use of such accommodations, in the interest of improving safe and convenient service to passengers. We want to be sure that you or your employee can fully use the accommodation effectively. WebReasonable Accommodation (request): the act of enabling a qualified individual with a disability to obtain full and equal access to TriMet services, programs or activities If the technical standard changes at this or any future point, the Department could, in appropriate situations, apply the grandfathering provision in the Department's ADA rule (49 CFR 37.9) to avoid making rail operators re-install detectable warnings meeting the revised standard. The * * * * *(d) When Amtrak or a commuter authority leases a used intercity or commuter rail car for a period of seven days or less, Amtrak or the commuter authority may make and document good faith efforts as provided in this paragraph instead of in the ways provided in paragraph (c) of this section: [*63103](1) By having and implementing, in its agreement with any intercity railroad or commuter authority that serves as a source of used intercity or commuter rail cars for a lease of seven days or less, a provision requiring that the lessor provide all available accessible rail cars before providing any inaccessible rail cars. (4) In all signage designating priority seating areas for elderly persons and persons with disabilities, or designating wheelchair securement areas, the entity shall include language informing persons sitting in these locations that they should comply with requests by transit provider personnel to vacate their seats to make room for an individual with a disability. Web_____ Statement regarding inability to obtain reasonable transportation (applies to 2 designation above) _____ Proof of SR-22 insurance (if applicable) Documentation of PAGE 1758 FR 63092, *63099locations in vehicles, though transit providers may have fold-down seats that other persons can use when there are no wheelchair users on the vehicle. 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